Part of Golden State Orchards, LLC
Please see our variety descriptions and links to photos and videos below. Prices and shopping cart buttons only appear when we have an active sale taking place.
Please check your PayPal account NOW to make sure your shipping address is correct.
Our 2024 sale commenced at 6:00PM (Pacific) on February 16th and concluded at 6:00PM on March 3rd and we completed shipping our 1,383 orders (containing 14,464 cuttings) on March 20th. We ship orders six days a week. We are presently working on entering data into our shopping cart and hope to have our sale commence in the evening of Monday, February 10, 2025. Please check for an update late on Sunday. We do not have an email notification system in place but you may to try using this service to get notified of when we post updates to this page. We do not take reservations or make pre-sales and many varieties sell out quickly.
If you'd like to see what it's like to ship our large volume of orders, check out this video from 2023.
PLEASE read the "tips and items of note" below that some people have overlooked in the past (especially items 3, 6, 7, and 8).
For our annual cuttings sale, please read these directions carefully. All of them. Please!
Some tips and items of note:
It is strongly suggested that you use a computer for ordering. We use a PayPal shopping cart feature and using a computer allows you to place an item in your cart while the ordering tab remains open, so you don't lose your place in our long list of varieties. PayPal has instituted a "security check" feature to avoid fake orders by robots and it appears PayPal will require you to click "I am not a robot" (or picture puzzles) after every few additions to your shopping cart. We noticed this during testing and called PayPal about it and they indicated they could not override this. This will cause some frustration for which we apologize. Also, sometimes you will run into an instance when an item you try to purchase has already sold out and you will have the option to click a "Continue Shopping" link. Even though we have it set up to send you to our order page, PayPal seems to be directing the customer to our home page. We discovered this during testing and have a service ticket open with PayPal regarding this but have not heard back yet.
We do not take orders by telephone, private messages, or email but only from our web site here.
We get a huge volume of orders in a very short period of time. We may have 500-800 orders in the first hour alone and it will likely take us at least a week to ship orders placed in the first two minutes. We ship orders as fast we can but you should expect that it may take up to four weeks or more before we ship your order. Even orders placed in the first hour can take over two weeks before being shipped. The cuttings are well cared for in our walk-in cooler.
We will attempt to update the status of shipping daily (e.g., we've shipped all orders placed by a specific date and time). Please do not email us to inquire about the status of your order or why you haven't received a shipping notice yet, unless your order was placed prior to the date and time we noted in our update. The time it takes to address those inquiries simply slows down shipping.
We will update our web site at least daily for sold out items. When you shop, an item may appear to be available although it has actually sold out. You will receive a message when you check out if something sold out while you shopped. If you are able to place an item in your shopping cart, it means it is available at that moment but may sell out prior to your checking out. This usually only happens during the first hour of sales for a few varieties. We have no ability to place a "hold" on something you place in your cart. If you order a quantity larger than the current inventory you will receive the same "sold out" message, you may want to try with a lower quantity.
Please do not write us to ask if we have any inventory left if you receive a notice of an item being sold out.
Shipping charges: USPS Priority shipping is $12 for 1-25 cuttings, $16 for 26-50 cuttings, and $20 for more than 50 cuttings. There were several delays with USPS in January 2021 due to the pandemic but things are working well now. We will also offer the option to use FedEx Express for shipping at a cost of $27 for orders of 1-25 cuttings, $30 for 26-50 cuttings, $35 for 51 and more cuttings. FedEx Express will be 2-3 business days. We do not ship cuttings outside of the United States. Please don't ask us to do so.
We do not offer a combined shipping discount and will only combine orders if we find it convenient and quicker for us to do so. Please don't request us to combine your orders, as responding to requests slows down the shipping process.
There will be a minimum $10 fee for any requests to change an order (e.g., "please ship me variety Genovese Nero instead of variety Italian 258"). This takes us quite a bit of time to update our shopping cart inventory and our invoices. Please select carefully!
We will be working very long hours in the weeks following the ordering page going live to ensure we fulfill your orders as quickly as possible, so please only contact us if you are aware of an error we've made. Please only send emails to (do not use private messages through Facebook or forums, YouTube video comments, etc.) We will attempt to address questions sent to us by email, but please understand that the very heavy workload expected from receiving many orders will likely delay some responses. If you do not receive a reply within a few days, your email may have been overlooked or lost in spam filters so please email us again.
The minimum order size is $20 (not including shipping).
Some varieties have limits on the quantity that may be ordered. While our cart cannot automatically restrict such quantities, you must adhere to these limits. Do not make a second order for the same variety since this impacts others who would also like that variety. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that do not follow this instruction.
Prices of items may be adjusted higher or lower in the future but all orders will be honored at the listed price at the time the order was placed. We will not make refunds if we lower our price at a later time, but we also will not send out a bill if we raise our price.
If you start shopping and see that you have items in your cart left over from an order you didn't complete last year, please remove those items from your cart. Inventory item numbers and prices change each year and our inventory numbers will be incorrect if you use the old item when you check out and we will reserve the right to remove it from your order.
While this will not be a problem for very many people, PayPal does not allow for the purchase of more than 100 different varieties at one time as that is the limit of their shopping cart system! However, you can still purchase hundreds of cuttings at one time as long as the order does not contain more than 100 different varieties.
We reserve the right to cancel any orders. This applies primarily to known problem customers.
Shipping Information
See shipping costs detailed in #7 above. We do not accept orders with requests for shipping at a specific future date.
Payment Information
Payments are accepted via PayPal only. Please include your telephone number when checking out in case we have questions regarding your order. Once your order is placed, PayPal will send you an email to confirm our receipt of your order. When your order is shipped, we will enter your tracking information into PayPal and you should receive an email to indicate the updated status of your order.
Special Notes Concerning Fig Varieties
Unless noted otherwise, we believe all varieties are common type figs which do not require pollination. However, in some cases we do not know for sure and indicate this in variety descriptions. Smyrna type produce main crop only and require pollination. San Pedro type will produce a breba crop without pollination but main crop requires pollination. If you do not know if fig wasps are present in your location, we suggest you avoid purchasing anything besides the common type varieties.
We are experienced in starting figs from cuttings and only select and ship cuttings that we believe to be of good quality. Cuttings will usually be from 3/8" to 1" in diameter (8-25mm) and sometimes thicker but rarely thinner and from 7 to 12" long (18-30cm), with at least 3 nodes (usually more and with visible buds but sometimes they are not as apparent on some varieties). We have a very good reputation for providing high quality cuttings. Cuttings are treated to help reduce the risk of mold during shipping. However, we do not have control over the conditions during shipping or the buyer's handling and therefore do not make any guarantees of condition upon arrival or that the buyer will be successful in rooting these cuttings. By placing an order with us, you acknowledge your agreement with these conditions.
We believe all our trees have been in contact with Fig Mosaic Virus ("FMV") and likely have some level of infection, though some exhibit symptoms more than others and some show no symptoms at all. Some trees do grow more slowly because of FMV but still produce great figs and are worth growing. Like most fig collectors, we do not consider FMV to be a significant issue and make no guarantee as to the level of infection your trees may show. If these terms are not acceptable to you, please do not purchase cuttings from us.
Unfortunately, we do not have time to answer questions regarding variety recommendations. Please review the descriptions, watch our YouTube videos, or search out information on Facebook groups (there are several great ones for figs) and forums such as Ourfigs for such information.
All sales are subject to inventory availability and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason we feel is justified. For some reason, PayPal has previously allowed our inventory for a few items to drop below zero so there may need to be some adjustments/refunds to orders. PayPal has worked to resolve this and we hope this is now fixed.
NOTE: We will mark varieties that are
SOLD OUT but there may be additional varieties that have sold out since our last update to our list.
*Note regarding varieties originating from Syria: We have been offering
some Syrian varieties for several years and all of these were acquired from
other growers in the U.S. Because of government sanctions with Syria we
have had some problems in the past with PayPal suspending sales involving these
varieties until we address each sale and document that our product did not
originate in Syria. None of our items are covered by sanctions and in an
effort to avoid these hassles our shopping cart will avoid
the use of the word "Syria" and "Syrian", instead using "S...". We
are making this note here to document that we are in full compliance with these
Flexible Shipping Option
Delayed shipping option of up to two weeks to help accommodate those customers who are subject to severe winter weather that may damage their cuttings. $5.00 charge is for each order it is chosen for. This does not mean we will ship orders earlier than we get to their order. For instance, we may ship 35-60 orders per day and had 1,511 orders last year so a customer who has our 500th order might take 10-14 days before we reach their order. We will reach out to customers a day or two by email before we reach their order if they have chosen this shipping option. |
Variety |
Click below |
Description | |
3 N' Prato | Video | 3 N' Prato is a Portuguese variety and given this name because of it's large size, though the first fruits from our young tree were not large. This fruit was very syrupy and very sweet with a light berry flavor and honey taste. | |
60th Street Unknown | Video | 60th Street Unknown was discovered by another fig enthusiast in a cool region of the Bay Area of northern California. It is quite early, large, chewy, and moderately sweet. | |
A Sangue | Video | Sangue is an Italian variety that is reported to be a Smyrna type requiring caprification (pollination). It may be worth experimenting with in areas with long seasons. A friend reported that others have fruited this in both Malaysia and Idaho (she also showed me photos of her fruit that appear the same as mine) so it might be a common type. The variety's name relates to this being known as “the blood fig.” We tried growing this variety previously but it was incorrect but finally another U.S. collector shared this with us and it is clearly the correct variety, fairly similar to specimen photos I’ve seen and having an appearance very fitting for its name. The fruit is only slightly sweet with a blend of a berry and figgy taste with a meaty and syrupy texture. The fruits were large with a large eyes that were sealed with honey from the fruit. This is an ancient variety and more can be read about it at this Italian site. | |
Abebereira |
Facebook Photo
Video Breba Video | Dark from Madeira, Portugal which may be the same as Bebera Preta. This variety is very productive with fruits of medium to large in size, black skin, red pulp that is moderately sweet with a moderate berry flavor, moderate seed crunch. Our tree has also produced a decent breba crop. | |
Achaika Movia | Video | Achaika Movia is a fig of Greek origin that has grown well for us but was slow to fruit, for some reason. We grafted this variety in late 2016 and the video shown was made in the fourth growing season. It is said to be a bifera type but I have not noticed breba on it yet. This is also supposedly a common type but this has not been trialed yet to verify this. This is a large to very large dark fig and this fruit was very sweet with a mild berry flavor and very syrupy. | |
Achaiko Mavro |
Video 1 Video 2 | Achaiko Mavro is a Greek fig that produced over a long season for us. As the weather became more mild late in the year we were impressed with how this fruit was very red. The fruit was very sweet with a nice melon flavor and was syrupy. | |
Achaiko Tragano |
Facebook Photo
Video |
A Greek variety that that is medium in size with a moderate berry flavor and good sweetness and syrupy. Our tree has been growing vigorously. | |
Adriatic JH |
Facebook Photo
Video |
Adriatic JH is a small to medium size fig, some slightly larger, with a very intense berry flavor, slightly sweet, and moderate acidity for a big flavor. | |
Albacor Comuna |
Video 1 Video 2 |
This is the second tree we’ve started growing of Albacor Comuna with the first one not being correct so we started this replacement a few years ago and it started slowly for us but is now growing better and the fruits from this tree have the proper shape and appearance for this Spanish variety. In the book by Mr. Pons the fruit is described as being very sweet and juicy. We did not find any properly ripened fruits today but some had already dried and the one dried fig tasted was very sweet and it was evident that the high sugar level in this variety can allow it to dry on the tree without spoiling. In the second video the first fruit picked was fairly sweet with a figgy flavor and probably 2-3 days from being fully ripe but detached from the tree easily. Another fruit that had already fallen from the tree was already drying and was very sweet. This is an interesting variety that we will continue to evaluate. | |
Albacor de Molla Blanca |
Facebook Photo
Video | Spanish variety that has grown well for us. This variety produces elongated black fruits of medium size and are moderately to very sweet with a figgy flavor, chewy and quite moist and perhaps a bit of berry flavor when fully ripe. Our tree produces both breba and main crops. | |
Allentown Black | Video | This is an unknown fig from Pennsylvania we obtained from our friend Bass. The fruits were small to medium in size and were moderate to very sweet and had a moderate berry flavor. The fruits are sweet enough that they can dry on the tree without spoilage. | |
Angelo's Fiorene | Video | In September 2016 I got a cutting of a fig from Petaluma from my old friend Angelo of Angelo's Smokehouse. Angelo was 83 at the time and immigrated many years ago from Sesta Godano of the La Spezia region of Italy and several decades ago he brought a fig which he has always called Fiorone. Angelo had no idea there were so many fig varieties, he only knew of this one. The fig in the video shown was slightly over-ripe and very sweet and moderately sweet with a jammy texture. | |
Anjeer Torki | Video | Anjeer Torki is a fig that reportedly came from Shiraz. It's referred to in Shiraz as "Anjeere Torki" or Turkish fig. (my comment in the video is incorrect.) It was brought over around 2003 by an immigrant to Nashville, Tennessee. It has been growing in his collection of some 30-40 fruit trees. It is very sweet, and reportedly has very large fruit. The first fruit from our tree was large in size with a mild berry flavor and very sweet and juicy. | |
Barada |
Facebook Photo Video |
Barada is a variety that came from Syria (I misspoke during the video, saying I believed it came from Spain). This fig reminds me of the Syrian Honey which also has attractive serrated leaves. Fruits are small to medium in size and are very sweet with a light honey taste. | |
Bardacik |
Facebook Photo Video |
Bardacik is a Turkish medium-sized fig and it is unknown if this is a common type or if it requires caprification. This fruit was moderately to very sweet with an interesting flavor that reminded me of watermelon. | |
Bass' Favorite Fig (BFF) |
Facebook Photo Video 1 Video 2 |
Nice large fig introduced by Bass at Trees of Joy, the source for our mother tree. This variety produces very nice large figs with a fairly rich berry flavor, moderate sweetness, and chewy texture. Our fruits ripened mid-season and continuously until weather turned cool. Our tree grows vigorously and some cuttings are quite fat so we offer those as a separate option. | |
Bebera Branca |
Facebook Photo Video |
Very productive variety originally from Portugal. Produces very attractive and very large fruits. Fruits have a fairly dark red pulp and are very syrupy and juicy, very sweet, and a moderate berry flavor. Excellent fig. | |
Bella di Maria | Video | Bella di Maria is a fig supposedly originating from southern Italy. It is a common type and has produced fruit in Missouri for another grower. We picked a larger fruit last year that was over-ripe. This fruit was small to medium in size and had a small eye. It was very sweet and had a mild berry flavor and was jammy. | |
Belleclare Sport | Video | This fig came from our friend Dave who obtained the original Belleclare Nursery tree once shown on Martha Stewart's program. In that program the old tree had a somewhat weeping structure but pruning our tree appears to stimulate more vigorous growth. 2020 is the first year our tree has fruited and the fruits were very large with a small eye. The fruit was very sweet with a mild berry flavor. | |
Beltrana |
Facebook Photo Video |
This variety originally came from Spain and our tree produced fruit for the first time for us in 2018. The first fruit from our vigorous tree was sweet with a nice berry flavor and a chewy/jammy texture. The second fruit the video shows had a very intense berry flavor and moderate sweetness and was very chewy but also a moist fig. Very tasty fig! | |
Black Beauty 10 (Dan's) |
Video Breba Video |
This selection was chosen by Cajun Dan of Louisiana as a top fig which he rated a "10". The cuttings from which our trees were started were obtained from Dan. The first fruit we picked were in 2020 (birds got the only fruits in 2019) and the one fruit shown in the video was slightly over-ripe but not spoiled. It was a very sweet fig and a medium berry flavor. The fruit has a small eye and is said to hold up to humid weather well. Produces very good quality breba. | |
Black Bethlehem |
Facebook Photo Video |
Introduced by Trees of Joy. Original tree discovered in the town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is an area traditionally inhabited by Greek immigrants so this is believed to be of Greek origin. Tree is productive and fruits are small but sweet and very good flavor. | |
Black Donov | Video | Black Donov introduced by Kiril Donov, previously from Europe but who now lives in Florida. This was our first fruit from our tree and the fruit was small to medium in size, with a very nice berry flavor of moderate intensity and moderately to very sweet. This fruit reminded me quite a bit of the French variety, Ronde de Bordeaux (though the leaves are shaped quite differently). I believe this had been reported to be a seedling tree and we've heard reports from some that their trees have dropped fruit but Kiril also reported that in Bulgaria that some years the tree dropped the entire crop. | |
Black Greek Unk. (Marius version) |
Facebook Photo Video |
Unknown black fig introduced by a fig collector named Marius. Fig originated from the island of Chios. Fruits are small but sweet and have an excellent flavor. | |
Black Madeira | Black Madeira is a great fig brought to California by immigrants from the island of Madeira, Portugal over 50 years ago. We believe it to be the same as a fig known by the name of Figo Preto and it is probably also the same as a fig known in some parts of Portugal by the name of Violeta. This tree often grows more slowly than many varieties and it can also be more difficult to root. We've experimented grafting Black Madeira onto other vigorous varieties such as Brown Turkey and highly recommend this method. The fruits of Black Madeira are considered by many to be among the best. They are sweet and rich flavor with a jammy texture. Fruit size is typically medium. For people in cooler climates it may be difficult to obtain ripe fruit without the benefit of keeping the tree in a greenhouse or other controlled environment to give the trees an early start in the spring. Produces main crop fruits, pollination not required. I don't believe in the use of the names of strains associated with Black Madeira. See my comments on this matter in this Facebook post. | ||
Black Manzanita (New) |
Video | Black Manzanita is a fig discovered by a friend in Sonoma County, California is a medium-sized fig. We missed picking the first ripe fruits while we were on vacation with good sweetness and possibly a flavor of raisins based on our limited sample. Our tree grew vigorously in 2024. | |
Black Mission |
Facebook Photo Video Breba Video 1 Breba Video 2 |
Popular commercial variety in California introduced by Spanish missionaries. Variety is productive with black skin and red pulp, moderate sweetness, mild berry flavor. Also produces breba crop. | |
Black Portuguese (Belleclare) | Video | Black Portuguese is a fig offered by the now defunct Belleclare Nursery of Plainfield, New York. We acquired this fig from our friend Pete and it has grown slowly for us. I believe Pete told me at the time that he thought it was different than Black Madeira but in my view it seems to be the same as Black Madeira, Figo Preto, Madeira Island Black, and Violeta and maybe Craven's Craving. That is not a bad thing, it is a great fig with a sweet berry flavor and syrupy. | |
Black Provence |
Facebook Photo #1 Facebook Photo #2 Video Breba Video |
This fig was acquired from Richard Watts several years ago. There has been some confusion that this is a synonym for Ischia Black as some other publication had listed it as such. Although it is a dark fig and the leaves have reddish petioles, it is not the same. If not caprified, the pulp of these fruits are light pink or amber while Ischia Black are always medium to dark red in color inside. Still, it is a good productive fig with good flavor and worth growing. | |
Black Tuscan | Video | Black Tuscan is reportedly an Italian variety and once sold by the now defunct Reed's Nursery from the UK under this name. Some collectors in the U.S. have grown this for quite a few years but we just acquired this in early 2017 from another collector in Michigan who has given great reviews for this fig. Our tree grew well but was slow to form fruit for some reason, seemingly putting most energy into growing. However, we have quite a few fruits on the tree now and many have increased in size greatly in the past 7-10 days and today we picked our first fruit. It was small but still very tasty, reminding me very much of Black Madeira with a moderate berry flavor and being moderate to very sweet, along with a nice jammy texture. We look forward to eating many more of these. | |
Black Unknown Aldent | Video | Black Unknown Aldent is a Portuguese fig fruiting for us for the first time. We don't know anything about the background of this variety or if it is a common type or requires caprification. The first fruit is quite small but was very sweet with an interesting flavor, perhaps butterscotch. | |
Blanche de Turqie |
Facebook Photo Video |
This is a Turkish fig that had been grown in a French collection and introduced by another collector back east. It is a very productive variety with large fruits that have a light-colored pulp and are sweet with a mild flavor. Although I personally prefer fruits with a berry flavor, I find these to be a refreshing change at times. | |
Blava (Campanera) |
Facebook Photo Video |
Blava (Campanera) is a Spanish fig that is very sweet with a blend of honey and mild berry flavor although it can also have a moderately intense berry flavor. Note: Name in photo on Facebook is misspelled. | |
Blaveta (Campos) |
Facebook Photo Video |
This fig was introduced from Spain. It is very sweet with a mild berry flavor. Fruit in the Facebook photo was slightly over-ripe. | |
Blue Celeste | Video | Blue Celeste is growing fairly well for us but crowded between two trees. The fruit shown in the video was small with a small eye, bluish skin, moderately sweet, and moderate berry flavor and some figgy flavor. | |
Borda Barraquer |
Facebook Photo Video |
Borda Barraquer is a Spanish fig and has not grown very well for us at this location. We have grafted another tree and planted it next to our original tree in the orchard to enable us to offer more cuttings. Fruit is small to medium size with moderately intense berry flavor, moderate sweetness, jammy texture. | |
Bordissot Blanca Rimada |
Facebook Photo Video 1 Video 2 |
This variety is reported by Mr. Pons to be a synonym to Panache. The trees and fruit also appear to be the same for us but some growers insist that they are different. All of our trees are vigorous and very productive. Fully ripe fruits are very syrupy with a moderately intense berry flavor, sweet to very sweet, with slight acidity. Very delicious and beautiful figs! | |
Bordissot Blanca-Negra |
Facebook Photo Video |
Bordissot Blanca-Negra is a Spanish fig that has very unique green and purple stripes on the fruit as it matures. When fully ripe it is very juicy/syrupy with moderate to intense berry flavor and very sweet. Both a beautiful and delicious fig! | |
Bordissot Negra |
Facebook Photo Video |
Bordissot Negra is a fig originating from Spain and said to be a synonym for Violette de Sollies and Bourjasotte Noire but which appears different to us so far. The fruit are more round and smaller but have a nice moderate berry flavor and moderate to very sweet. The fruits so far are small but will probably get larger as the tree matures. | |
Bordissot Negra Rimada |
Facebook Photo Video 1 Video 2 |
A rare Spanish striped fig with dark purple and red stripes when ripe, yellow and green stripes when immature. Fruit is outstanding and has very good berry flavor of moderate intensity, moderate to very sweet, jammy and syrupy. This variety often grows slowly on its own roots and we've had good success with growing larger trees by grafting it to a more vigorous variety. A representative comparison can be found on our Facebook page here. | |
Bordissot Rossa |
Facebook Photo Video |
This Spanish variety has been a very vigorous grower for us but was slow to produce fruit, although that is partly due to pruning our tree heavily for cuttings. However, in 2017 we had a very nice crop of excellent fruit that had a strong berry flavor, was very sweet, mild acidity if not fully ripe, and nice jammy texture. Our fruits in 2019 had more of a honey flavor. | |
Bourjasotte Grise |
Facebook Photo Facebook Video Video |
French variety that has been very productive with medium to large size fruits of excellent quality, sweet and moderate berry flavor. Will produce both breba and main crop for us and is one of our earlier main crop varieties. Note: spelling of this name can get confusing, I'm going with this source. | |
Bourjasotte Noire |
See VdS photo Facebook Photo Video |
This fig came to us under the name shown which is a synonym for Violette de Sollies. We have picked fruits from our tree since 2017 and they do appear to be the same as VdS. Our VdS tree is older and was more productive due to the increased size and age. Both produce fruits of excellent quality and were among our favorites. We will continue to keep this name for this tree since that is what we received it as. | |
Brianzolo Rosso | Video | This Italian fig came to us from our friend Rafael and has grown well for us. The fruit’s skin has a rose color and it has a tight eye. The pulp on most of the fruits had a very light color and very sweet in taste while one fruit had a reddish pulp and was very sweet with a slight berry flavor. The variety appears to be very productive. | |
Brogiotto Nero (PB) | Video | This Italian variety is the strain from collector/preservationist Paolo Belloni that was shared with me by another collector. It has been reported that this is a synonym of Bourjassotte Noire but it is not as oblate and seems different to me. It is a large fig and these fruits were moderately sweet with a moderate to intense berry flavor and jammy texture. | |
Brooklyn Dark | Brooklyn Dark is a fig discovered by our friend Bass growing in Brooklyn where it is growing in the ground, so this is hardy variety. Fruits are medium in size with a moderate berry flavor and moderate sweetness. | ||
Brooklyn White |
Facebook Photo Video |
This fig was discovered in Brooklyn New York and introduced by Trees of Joy. It is productive, with large sweet fruit and is cold hardy. | |
Burgan Unknown | Video | Burgan Unknown has grown slowly for us but is now starting to grow better and appears to be a very productive variety. The first fruit was very sweet, over-ripe fruit was drying without any spoilage, the third fruit was very juicy with a nice flavor, moderate seed crunch. Sugar levels seem to be high enough to avoid spoilage when left on tree to dry. We also had the chance to taste fruit from Brian collected from the mother tree and those had a very nice flavor and were sweet as well. Our tree has grown fairly slow but in the spring of 2020 we took some cuttings and grafted them onto a more vigorous tree and those grafts grew vigorously. | |
Bursa (2013) | Video | This Bursa fig was acquired from another collector back east and started in the year 2013 so we are designating it as such in case it is different from other Bursa types we are growing. This fruit was mildly sweet with a unique flavor that I was unable to describe but I considered it to be good. This is a smyrna type fig requiring caprification. | |
Bursa Durdane |
Facebook Photo Video |
Large to very large Turkish variety, smyrna type, that has a nice light berry flavor, very sweet and juicy, mild texture with slight seed crunch. This is the first fruit from our tree (other fruits were eaten by birds) and I thought it tasted somewhat like a nice watermelon. | |
Calderona |
Forum Photo Video 1 Video 2 |
Calderona is a fig originating from Spain. Our tree has not grown nearly vigorous enough to supply the demand for cuttings so our tree is small. This fruit was very jammy and awesome in appearance. It had very intense berry flavor, mild sweetness, and slight acidity. Very pretty and delicious fig. | |
Calimyrna | Calimyrna is the most widely grown fig in California with nearly all of that used for dry figs. It is a smyrna type fig and it's original name in Turkey was Sari Lop but was renamed after being introduced into California in 1882. Our tree has not grown very well but I attribute that probably due to soil conditions in the spot where it's planted. The fruit shown in the second video was fairly large and a very sweet honey-type fig. It's high sugar content allows it to be dried without spoiling. | ||
Calvert |
Facebook Photo Video |
Calvert has medium vigor for us but very productive. The fruit has a very intense berry flavor, slight to moderate sweetness or moderate berry flavor and moderate to very sweet when very ripe. Very tasty fig! | |
Campaniere | Video | This Italian variety has grown well for us and the fruits have a small eye, were very sweet, with a mild berry flavor. | |
Capoll Curt Negra |
Facebook Photo Video 1 Video 2 |
Spanish variety that is moderately vigorous and productive for us. The fruits have a moderately intense berry flavor and moderate to very sweet and jammy texture. This variety has been very popular with some friends that have visited our orchard in 2018 and 2019. | |
Cardeal | Video | Cardeal is a Portuguese variety that has greenish-purple skin and a very jammy red pulp and is mild to moderately sweet. | |
Cardinello (New) |
Facebook Reel | Cardinello is a very large fig we received from two grower friends (we have two trees in our orchards). Fruit is very jammy with a nice berry flavor and moderately to very sweet. | |
Carvalho |
Facebook Photo Video |
Carvalho is a fig that originated in Portugal and grown by an immigrant here in the USA before being discovered and introduced by Trees of Joy. Fruits are small to medium in size and are sweet and rich in flavor. | |
Castel Trosino |
Facebook Reel (has error in spelling) |
Castel Trosino is a fig introduced by the late Mario of Connecticut. This was reportedly his earliest fig. The fruit have a very dark pulp that is syrupy with a nice berry flavor and sweet. | |
Castelhana Preta |
Facebook Photo Video |
Rare Portuguese variety with medium-sized fruits with amber or light brown pulp, very sweet, juicy and chewy. | |
Cavaleira | Video | Cavaleira is a Portuguese fig that is believed to be a common type not requiring caprification, but this is unproven. The fruit picked in the video was our first fruit from this tree and it had a unique flavor with some "figgy" tones and moderately sweet, a nice fig. | |
Cavaliere (Baud) | Video | Cavaliere is a Italian variety originally sourced through the French nurseryman Pierre Baud and shared with us by another collector. The fruit shown in the video appeared to be over-ripe but was actually very good with a moderate to intense berry flavor and moderate sweetness, a syrupy/jammy texture. | |
Cavaliere (Byron) | Video | This Cavaliere tree has grown fairly slow for us and the fruit picked today was not quite fully ripe but was still moderately sweet with a moderate berry flavor. I don’t know if this fig is identical to the one shown above that came from Pierre Baud in France. | |
Cendrosa | Video | Cendrosa is another fig we grow which originated from Spain. The fruit shown in the video was our first fruit from our tree which should produce better fruit as it gets more mature. | |
Champagne |
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Medium sized fig developed at LSU which is very sweet and a mild flavor, smooth texture, minimal seed crunch, small eye. | |
Col de Dame Blanc |
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White or light green French variety with deep red pulp that is sweet and rich in flavor. This variety grows slowly, apparently because of FMV, but is very productive for us. We now have a second tree grafted onto more vigorous rootstock and have larger cuttings available. | |
Col de Dame Gris (Baud) |
Video | Col de Dame Gris (Baud) is a strain that can be traced back to originally coming from Pierre Baud in France. This is our first fruit from this tree this season and it had the classic dark red pulp with intense berry flavor and mild sweetness. Very thick pulp, a great taste experience. This is probably the same as the strain from Vasile shown directly below, but I wish to keep these identified separately until other growers have the chance to compare these. | |
Col de Dame Gris (Vasile's strain) |
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This French variety has a rich berry flavor with moderate sweetness. Our tree was started from a cutting from Vasile after the initial tree purchased from him ended up being something else but this tree is correct. Some report that it is the earliest Col de Dame type fig to ripen for them. These fruits have the classic intense berry flavor and mild to moderate sweetness, dense pulp; excellent fig. | |
Col de Dame Noir (Prusch) |
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The black version of this French series of Col de Dame varieties. It is moderately productive and produces medium-sized fruit which has a very intense berry, some acidity and mild sweetness, a very delicious rich-tasting fig! | |
Col de Dame Noir (Vasile) |
Video | This Col de Dame Noir came to us from Vasile S. (also known as Herman) and I'm starting to believe that this is different than the strain we've been growing longer which came from a CRFG scion exchange at Prusch Park. I might be mistaken but this variant will usually have some slight stripes on the skin and also seems to be more of an upright grower. These fruits are medium in size and are very jammy, rich berry flavor, mild to moderate sweetness, and some acidity. The skin on these fruits were also fairly thick. Excellent fig. | |
Coll de Dama Blanca-Negra # | Video | Coll de Dama Blanca-Negra is a Spanish variety that has been elusive to acquire and confirm and we still cannot say with certainty that this specimen is correct. The flavor of most figs are similar to the other Col de Dame / Coll de Dama types with a rich berry flavor and mild to moderate sweetness. However, the shape of the fruit creates some question in our mind, as well as presence of stem. Montserrat Pons viewed our video before it was made public and opined that it is Coll de Dama Blanca-Negra but that it has some distortion. We obtained our tree indirectly from another grower in the US who reportedly acquired it directly from Montserrat Pons in Mallorca, Spain. However, the shape of fruits in his popular book seem to have a fatter neck. # We sell cuttings with the caveat that we are selling with the understanding that we cannot guarantee 100% that our tree is correct although it does ripen both green and black fruits. | |
Coll de Dama Bordissotenca | Video | Coll de Dama Bordissotenca has grown quite well for us but fruit were slow to mature for us as the tree seems to be focusing its efforts on growing. At the time the video was taken our tree was 35 months old and quite large for its age. According to Montserrat Pons' book, this variety should ripen at about the same time as Coll de Dama Negra (or Col de Dame Noir in French) which starts ripening for us by mid-August. Fortunately, we had some nice warm weather late in 2019 so we were finally able to pick some ripe fruits from our tree, particularly the first one in this video. It had a very good taste with a moderate berry flavor and sweet to very sweet and a thick pulp. We look forward to fruits earlier in the year next year. | |
Coll de Dama Ciutat | Video | Coll de Dama Ciutat is a Spanish variety that has not grown well in our orchard. Our tree was planted in the orchard in early 2018 and has not grown much since that time but we still picked a fruit from our tree when this video was taken. It was sweeter than a normal Coll de Dama type and this is probably because it was very ripe. It still had a fairly intense berry flavor and thick pulp. | |
Coll de Dama Gegantina |
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Spanish variety that produces medium to large-sized fruits with the typical CdD dark red pulp, an intense berry flavor, mild to moderate sweetness, slight acidity and jammy texture. A favorite of many who have toured our farm! | |
Coll de Dama Mutante |
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Coll de Dama Mutante has grown very well for us, having been rooted in December 2016. We hoped to have fruit from our tree in 2019 based on the tree's size but the first fruits did not begin ripening for us until late August 2020. This variety was discovered by another collector (Carlos) in Spain who then shared it with other collectors in the U.S. who then shared it with us. The fruit is very characteristic of Coll de Dama / Col de Dame varieties with a thick jammy pulp with a rich berry flavor and mild sweetness. This variety is of somewhat unknown origin as the Spanish collector found this along a road and gave it the "Mutante" name as it appears to be a mutated strain with the striping pattern on many fruits. Fruit in 2021 were larger and had great coloration. | |
Coll de Dama Rimada |
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Another Spanish CdD type, this one variegated. Some of our fruits were of larger than expected size, still with a thick pulp with sweet and rich flavor typical for the CdD types. | |
Coll de Dama Roja |
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Coll de Dama Roja is a Spanish variety producing medium-sized fruits with a classic Col de Dame type of pulp with a moderate sweetness and intense berry flavor. A very rich and delicious fig. | |
Colonel Littman's Black Cross | Video | Colonel Littman's Black Cross is named after Colonel Littman of Gainesville, Florida who had called it "Black Cross". A friend shared this with us to trial and the fruit shown in the video was fruit from it. We were a bit late and the fruit was beyond peak ripeness but fruit was very sweet with a combination of figgy and berry flavors. | |
Conadria | Video | Conadria is a fig introduced by Ira Condit in California in 1955. It is a productive and medium sized fig that is moderately sweet with a mild melon flavor. | |
Côtio Pereiro |
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Portuguese fig variety that is growing well for us. The fruits can get to good size and the first fruit tasted was over-ripe and sweet without souring. The next fruit was small and not quite fully ripe but still very sweet with a light melon flavor. In the second video we tasted a fig that was ripe and had flavors of brown sugar and berry. This has been confirmed by our friend Francisco in Portugal as being a common type fig which does not require pollination. | |
Côtio Verdeal |
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Côtio Verdeal is a Portuguese variety that is a large fruit that has a very dark red syrupy pulp, a very delicious berry flavor and moderately to very sweet, some tones of molasses. Many fruits have a drop of honey in the eye. | |
Craven's Craving (New) |
Video | Craven's Craving is a fig discovered in the Point Loma area of San Diego. Our video is a bit dated and our tree has grown well since the recording of the 2020 video. We continue to believe that this fig is likely the same as Black Madeira, Figo Preto, etc. with fruits of medium size, nice berry flavor, and good level of sweetness. | |
Curio de Bou | Video | Curio de Bou is a fig from Spain that is small to medium in size with a moderately rich berry flavor, moderate sweetness with a unique flavor, slightly chewy, a nice fig that may increase in size as our tree becomes more mature. | |
Cyprus |
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Cyprus came from the island of Cyprus and was introduced by Bass at Trees of Joy. This is a medium to large-sized fig that is moderately to very sweet, some acidity from the skin, some melon flavor, and juicy. | |
Dall'Osso |
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Dall'Osso is a fig written and illustrated in history and this fig is partially fitting the description in that it produces a lot of "mule" (double shaped) figs. This fig is medium in size and quite sweet with a blend of a berry and figgy flavor. We have had several “mule” (double) shaped fruits finally in its third year of growing for us in 2018 which is interesting (see photos below main Facebook photo post). Although interesting, this does not appear to be the same fig as shown in historical drawings. | |
Dark Portuguese |
Facebook Photo Video | This fig of Portuguese origin was discovered and introduced to the fig growing community by Trees of Joy. Fruits are small to medium size, sweet, and with a fairly rich flavor. Leaves are thick and rigid and this is said to be a cold hardy variety. | |
Dark Syrian (Dark S...)* |
Facebook Photo | This fig of Syrian origin was introduced by Trees of Joy. Fruits were quite large and sweet with very good flavor of moderate intensity. | |
De la Caseta | Video | This Spanish variety came to us from a very good friend in Michigan and has grown well for us. This is the first year we picked ripe fruit, however. We picked fruits of three stages of ripeness with the third fruit in this video being moderately to very sweet with a moderate berry flavor. The fruits are syrupy with a nice texture and can become of fairly good size and have a fairly small eye. Very happy to have this variety in our collection! | |
De la Gloria |
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A fig of Spanish origin. Our tree bore fruit at a young age which was sweet with a good flavor. Due to an accident in our orchard, our tree was severely damaged in late 2018 and it has now recovered enough for pruning. | |
De la Plata (Campanera) |
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This Spanish fig was acquired from another collector considered to be a very reliable source but the complete identification of this fig is a little uncertain. Mr. Pons shows two different versions of this variety and our fruit from 2019 appears to indicate that ours is the Campanera version. | |
De la Reina |
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This tree has grown very well but was slow to fruit for us but now is productive, producing fairly large fruits that are sweet with a unique flavor, sometimes moderate acidity, and chewy texture. Skins on fruit are thick enough to make it suitable for market transport. | |
De la Roca |
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Medium sized fruit from this Spanish variety with moderately intense berry flavor and sweetness, chewy texture, moderate seed crunch. | |
De la Senyora (Hivernenca) | Video | De la Senyora (Hivernenca strain) has grown fairly slow for us and was shared by my good friend Neil. The fruit was medium to large in size, moderately sweet with a unique flavor, perhaps some type of berry. Pulp had a nice jammy texture. | |
De la Senyora (Sineuera) |
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De la Senyora (Sineuera strain) is a medium-sized fig with green skin and red pulp. The fruit in this was more ripe on the bottom which tasted very sweet with the taste of brown sugar while the top had a moderate berry flavor and moderate sweetness. | |
De S'Avenc | Video | De S'Avenc is a Spanish fig that is small to medium in size that is very sweet and has a mild berry flavor with some honey tones or maybe some figgy flavor. | |
De Tres Esplets |
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De Tres Esplets was a great addition to our collection thanks to our friend CJ. The fruit is very juicy and syrupy with a moderately intense berry flavor and quite sweet with a bit of acidity. | |
Deanna |
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This variety was developed as part of Ira Condit's breeding program. Our fruits have been very large, sweet and juicy. | |
Del Sen Jaume Gran
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This is another fig from Spain which was originally introduced by Mr. Pons. These figs are large with a green and purple skin, very good berry flavor with moderate sweetness, syrupy and jammy. | |
Dels Ermitans |
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Medium-sized Spanish variety which does not grow vigorously for us but is very productive. Fruits are very sweet with a berry flavor. With the skin, there is a bit of acidity. | |
Des Roig Manyo | Video | Des Roig Manyo is a Spanish variety that has grown well for us and appears to be very productive. The fruits are fairly small but may become larger as the tree matures. The fruits are very sweet with a mild berry flavor and juicy. | |
DFIC0023 Palmata Hybrid |
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This is an unusual variety, a palmata hybrid from the USDA collection designated as DFIC0023. I believe it is somewhat cold sensitive and it died to the ground here in USDA zone 9b one winter (2013-2014) when we had about 45 nights with frost. No damage in winters since then, however. Leaves are fuzzy with red petioles. Fruits have a fairly delicate skin with an intense unique berry flavor, moderately to very sweet, mid-season. Some people have reported the variety to drop figs and it may require or benefit from caprification. It may be a smyrna type fig but we are unsure of that. | |
Di Tre Volte | Video | Di Tre Volte has been a vigorous grower for us but slow to fruit. The fruits are small to medium in size with a small eye, very sweet, with a mild melon flavor and perhaps a bit nutty taste, chewy. | |
Dominick |
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Dominick is a fig discovered by my friend Jim Cooper who named it in memory of a long-time friend who grew this fig for many years. As is often the case, after Dominick died his home was sold and the fig tree was removed by the new owners. We are glad to be able to share this fig so that it lives on. The fig is small but very flavorful. Nice fig. | |
Dulce Cuore (Sweetheart) | Video | Dulce Cuore is Italian for Sweetheart. My friend Mike in Chicago obtained this from a local friend and there is a very touching story about the background of this fig which I try to explain in this video. We picked our first fruit in 2019 and it was medium in size. Mature trees reportedly produce large fruits. This fruit was very sweet and moist with a mild melon flavor. Skin is tender but pliable and resists tearing. | |
Dumanli Kara | Video | Dumanli Kara is a fig originated from a Turkish island and was introduced by another fig collector but still rare. In 2019 we picked the first fruit from our tree and it was small but we've seen photos of larger fruits online. The fruit was over-ripe but not spoiled and was very sweet. There was another fruit that had split and had red pulp. Will continue to monitor and evaluate. | |
Easton Purple |
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Easton Purple is an unknown fig discovered by a friend back east. We picked our first fruit in 2016 and it was sweet with a very good flavor. This appears to be a very good fig and very productive. | |
Easton Vasilika | Video | Easton Vasilika is a fig we received from our friend Brent back east, something he discovered. This is a productive tree that is a mid-season or slightly later fig for us. Fruits are medium in size, have a chewy texture, sweet to very sweet, light berry flavor and a honey taste. | |
Emalyn's Purple |
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This variety is a seedling selection discovered by a friend of mine here in California who named it after his wife. Fruits are medium in size with outstanding flavor and with a nice balance of acidity. At a gathering of fig enthusiasts in northern California these fruits received high praise. | |
Encanto |
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This fig was a seedling selected by our friends at Encanto Farms in San Diego, CA. It produces small black figs with some distinctive berry flavor of moderate intensity and sweet to very sweet. Flavor is very good. | |
Enrico |
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Enrico is a fig introduced by our friend Paulie several years ago who obtained this from a professor or doctor who discovered it. The tree has not been vigorous but extremely productive. The fruit is very chewy, moist, sweet and a mild berry flavor. | |
Excel |
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Excel is a productive variety producing medium to large-sized fruits with a dark amber pulp and a very sweet honey-type flavor and syrupy. | |
Falls Gold |
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Falls Gold is a vigorous tree and very productive with fruit starting to ripen mid-season or slightly later for us. The fruit is large and green with a bronze or rose blush. Fruits are very syrupy and have a moderate berry flavor and moderate sweetness. | |
Fat Fig |
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Fat Fig is an unknown fig offered by the Felix Gilett Institute. Our tree is still young and not producing fruits as large and attractive as the heirloom mother tree but this fruit was still very good. These fruits were medium in size, moderately sweet and had a moderate berry flavor or a combination of berry and figgy flavors. | |
Fico Cerreto | Video | Fico Cerreto is an Italian variety that we don't have much background information on. The fruit in this video was extremely sweet and perhaps tasted similar to cantaloupe. This fruit was fairly early, being picked August 1st. The fruit had a drop of honey covering the eye and skin was able to stand up to handling but still very pliable and edible. | |
Fico Gentile (FL) | Video | Fico Gentile FL has a somewhat unclear history but reportedly originated from the Florence area of Italy. The first fruit from our tree was picked a little early but still had a berry flavor of moderate intensity and moderately to very sweet and bright red pulp, delicious fruit. This has been confirmed to be a common type fig not requiring caprification. | |
Fico Palazzo | Video | Fico Palazzo is a unifera Italian variety. It is a large fig that is very sweet with dark red pulp with moderate to intense berry flavor, and jammy. I'm guessing our fig was caprified as I've seen stock photos of this variety from Italy that showed a ligher red pulp. The skin is not tough but durable enough to make it suitable for transport to market. | |
Fico Pesca d'Oro |
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Fico Pesca d'Oro (sometimes we've labeled Fico Pesco d'Oro) is a fig Jon Verdick of Encanto Farms (San Diego, California) discovered as a seedling growing near his Black Madeira tree and he gave this name as the fruit can sometimes taste somewhat like a peach (a canned peach, in my experience). The name means something along the line of "Fig of Golden Peach". Some have said the fruit has a tropical fruit flavor. Fruits are moderately sweet and medium to large in size. It is unknown if this is a common type fig or if it requires caprification though some people have reported they believe it to be a smyrna. | |
Fico San Pietro Nero |
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Fico San Pietro (syn. San Pietro Nero) first fruited for us in 2019 and we made an updated video in 2021 because of noticing how productive it is and how good these fruits are. Both my worker and I were very impressed with the taste. They are very sweet with a mild to moderate berry flavor and perhaps a cinnamon taste as well. Fruits have a very small eye. | |
Fig de Parfum | Video | Fig de Parfum is now growing better for us and is producing small to medium sized fruits with yellow skin, an amber pulp, and is a very sweet honey type fig. | |
Figo Branco |
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Portuguese fig introduced by immigrants from Madeira, Portugal more than 50 years ago and discovered by our friend Sue. The fruit in this video was very large, sweet, and a mild unique flavor. | |
Figo Gonsalves |
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Figo Gonsalves was started from a cutting taken from the former homestead of my uncle Louie and his family. That tree has a trunk diameter of about 3x5 feet. According to my father, is probably the same fig as what was grown by my grandfather but which was lost in our 1972 flood. Originally I thought this might be Black Mission but in 2021 I noticed the fruit had a much darker red pulp and more of a berry flavor than Black Mission. Very productive breba crop of good quality. | |
Figo Mulato (New) |
Video | Figo Mulato is a fairly rare fig from Madeira, Portugal. Our tree has grew well in 2024 and fruits were larger with more of a brown skin. Fruits are very sweet with a berry flavor. | |
Figo Preto |
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We have two trees of this variety and had three Black Madeira and see no difference between them on our farm. Some hobbyists report that Figo Preto is earlier than Black Madeira but I believe that this is very likely just because of individual tree characteristics. On the island of Madeira there is no fig called Black Madeira and a friend of ours from Madeira and from mainland Portugal are certain that Figo Preto and Black Madeira are the same. In addition, our friend from mainland Portugal is sure that both are the same fig as a fig also known in Portugal as Violeta. | |
Figo Preto de Torres Novas |
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Medium sized fig with moderate sweetness and nice melon flavor. Skin is chewy and fruit has moderate seed crunch. This variety produces well in a cooler region of Portugal. ** During a visit to the Torres Novas area in November 2022 we visited with a large grower there that explained this is the sweetest variety for growers in the area and showed us a unique balsamic vinegar made from this variety (not infused with figs but made with fermentation and aging of figs). | |
Figoin (Bass version) | Video | Figoin is a fig that originated from Italy. This name is used for more than one small-fruited variety. This tree produces small fruits with a very intense berry flavor and quite a bit of acidity with mild sweetness. It was fairly slow to fruit for us. | |
Fiorene di Ruvo Hybrid | Video | Fiorene di Ruvo Hybrid has an unknown history. The fruit shown in the video was our first fruit from our tree this year and it was not fully ripe yet but was quite sweet with a mild flavor and very chewy. | |
Fiorene Oro (Oro Rosato) |
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Fiorene Oro, also called Oro Rosato, is a fig originating in Italy and is a common type fig which has fruited in the state of Georgia, though some growers have reported that it has dropped for them. I think these growers just need to wait longer until their trees are more mature. This variety also produces a breba crop. Some of the fruits on our tree are not striped but all have the same colored pulp and are sweet to very sweet with a mild berry flavor. This appears to be a very productive variety. Our tree is still fairly small as we've pruned it for cuttings. | |
Florea |
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Attractive small to medium sized fig that is fairly early, productive, and very sweet. | |
Fouskounia |
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Fouskounia is another Greek fig introduced by Andreas and it has grown very well for us, producing abundantly. The large fruits are black with a very nice berry flavor of moderate intensity and moderate sweetness and very jammy. This variety is reportedly a common type fig but this has not yet been verified. | |
Gail's Unknown (New) |
Facebook Reel | This is a fig shared with me by a cousin from an old tree growing in the California Sierra foothills. It is very sweet with a nice berry flavor. I initially thought it might be Black Mission but it has a stronger berry flavor and darker pulp than our Black Mission. | |
Galicia Negra |
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This fig is an unknown fig discovered in the Galicia region of Spain and introduced by Trees of Joy, our source for this variety. We began growing this variety in 2013 and our first fruit in 2014 was eaten by eager birds! Fortunately, we had many delicious fruits in 2015 and it was probably the most favorite fig I took to a gathering of fig enthusiasts in northern California in August 2015. The fruits are medium in size with a thick pulp consistency and rich flavor and only slightly sweet. | |
Garnsey White Seedless |
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This variety produces medium to large size fruits that are very sweet honey type figs with very little seed crunch. | |
Genovese Bianco |
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Genovese Bianco is a variety originally made available to collectors by Adriano in Canada who also introduced Genovese Nero. This is a variety shared with us by our friend Rafed. We've had late warm dry weather and still are picking some nice figs, though not as nice as those that ripen in the middle of summer due to our current cool nights and short days. These fruits were nice and sweet with a pleasant flavor. We missed picking fruits that ripen in summer until after they had spoiled. | |
Genovese Nero (AF) |
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Genovese Nero was introduced by Adriano in Canada and originally came from northern Italy. It is a mid-season fig for us. This fruit was not fully ripe but was moderately sweet with a moderate berry flavor. When fully ripe they are sweeter and syrupy. It is a very productive fig for us and an excellent variety. | |
Genovese Nero (Rob's version) |
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This was a very controversial fig over 5 years ago due to it not producing fruit consistent with the correct Genovese Nero (AF version). Still, this is a worthwhile fig to grow as it is early and very productive and fruit quality is fairly good. Some visitors have said it's great. In 2018 this was our first main crop fig to ripen. | |
GM 020 |
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GM 020 is another fig originating from Malta. Our tree produces large fruits that are very sweet with a light berry flavor. Fruits are very juicy and jammy. | |
GM 125 |
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This is another fig from Malta introduced by another collector. It is very productive and fruits are sweet with a nice to intense berry flavor and jammy texture. Interestingly, our tree also often sets 2 fruits for most nodes. | |
GM 139 |
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GM 139 is another fig from Malta and one I consider to be greatly overlooked. The fruit are fairly large and are very juicy, jammy, and syrupy with a moderate berry flavor and very sweet. Deserving of a nice name. Note: this fig is probably best suited for growers in areas where the fig wasp is present or where the grower plans to hand pollinate their figs. Some have claimed it's a Smyrna type while some growers outside of wasp territory have ripened fruit, though of lower quality than what we/ve experienced. At a minimum, it should probably only be grown in areas with long seasons with fairly hot weather. | |
GM 141 |
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Another fig which originated from Malta and shared by another collector. We picked our first fruits in 2015 and they were sweet and had a good mild flavor. As shown in our video, however, they can sometimes have a light red pulp and berry flavor. | |
GM 149a Gozo Rose |
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This fig originated in Malta and was introduced several years ago by our friend Gorgi originally with the designation of GM 149a but he gave it the name of Gozo Rose a few years ago. Fruits are medium to large in size, sweet, very good flavor. | |
GM 153 |
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GM 153 is another unnamed rare variety introduced from Malta. Fruits are medium to large in size with a nice moderate berry flavor and moderate sweetness. Our tree grows well and is productive. Some growers from areas without the fig wasp have reported getting fruit but of much lower quality. | |
GM 171 Gludi |
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Another fig from Malta introduced by another collector. Fruits are medium to large in size, quite sweet mild or nutty flavor and sometimes juicy. Good grower and productive tree. | |
GM 172 Gozo Girl |
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This fig originated in Malta and was introduced by another collector several years ago and it’s been a productive producer for us, producing medium sized figs which are very sweet, berry flavor, slight acidity, and jammy texture. | |
GM 175 Gozo Gem | Video | GM 175 is a fig originating from Malta. Our tree is still fairly young and is growing slow but had large dark figs on it. The fruit had a small eye with a drop of honey sealing it. The fig was very delicious, very syrupy, very sweet and a moderate berry flavor that reminded me of strawberry jam with moderate seed crunch. | |
GM 202 (Farkizzan Aħmar) |
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GM 202 originated from Malta and produces medium to large-sized fruits that are moderately sweet with an interesting flavor. During the video segment I thought the fruit had something of a crenshaw melon flavor but a few years ago I associated this fig's flavor with durian! | |
GM 300 | Video | GM 300 is an unknown fig shared with us by a friend. Our tree has grown very well for us and produced a brown fig for us of fairly large size that was very juicy and sweet with mild berry flavor and juicy. This seemed like one of the sweetest figs I've eaten. | |
GM 301 | Video | GM 301 is an unknown fig shared with us by another fig friend. This is the first fruit from our tree after growing for two years. The first fruit we picked was over-ripe but had a nice berry flavor and was sweet; the last fruit was of ideal ripeness and was very sweet with a mild berry flavor. Fruits are small but will likely get larger as tree matures. | |
GM 303 | Video | GM 303 is another introduction from our friend Gorgi, not from Malta but of unknown source. This is our first fruit from this tree and it was a large dark fig with a red pulp and fairly intense berry flavor and very sweet. | |
GM 304 |
Video | GM 304 is an unknown variety that was shared with us by our friend Gorgi of unknown origin (not from Malta). Fruits are large in size with a small eye, yellow skin, and light red pulp. The fruit was very sweet with a mild berry flavor. | |
GM 305 | Video | GM 305 is an unknown fig shared with us by a friend which produced fruit for us for the first time this year. The fruits were very large with a moderate berry flavor, very sweet, and very syrupy. | |
Godfather Fig | Video | This fig is a fig shared with our friend Coop and this originates from a fig tree used in the Godfather movie which had been imported from Sicily. For a detailed history on this tree as told by my friend Coop, see this forum post from 2015. We had not picked fruits from this tree until 2020, for some reason, usually because of bird damage or just not getting to all of our trees in time. In the 2020 video, we had fruits that were over-ripe and not quite ripe, but still good enough to evaluate. This fig is productive and fruits are very sweet with a light-colored pulp. | |
Golden Rainbow |
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Golden Rainbow is an unknown fig grown by Robert on the Central Coast of California for quite a few years and has a confusing history. See description in first video for details about that. We picked our first fruits from our tree in 2020 and it seems very similar or the same as Yellow Long Neck which we've been growing for several years. We will continue to evaluate it further and may never know for sure if it is the same. The fruits are large and sweet with a mild flavor. | |
Golden Riverside (UCR 278-128) (Not Ben's) |
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This variety was developed as part of the former breeding program at UC Riverside. The fruits often exceed 100 grams and are very sweet, honey flavor and juicy. Note: UCR 278-128 has been called Golden Riverside for quite a few years and is the same as the more recent fig discovered by Ben which was originally said by the owner to be Golden Riverside (see comments above for Golden Rainbow). | |
Great Black | Video | Great Black is another fig from Greece introduced by our friend Andreas. The fruits shown in the video were the first from our tree and they didn't turn black for us, though that might be due to shading in our crowded growing conditions at this spot. The fruits are small to medium size with a dark red pulp and very nice flavor with moderate berry intensity and moderately sweet. The pulp was interesting, a blend of being syrupy yet sticky. May be a smyrna type based on reports from some growers. | |
Greco Nero |
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This Greek fig was introduced by another collector a few years ago but it remains very rare. It is supposedly a common fig but this needs to be tested further to confirm. Our tree is vigorous and produces huge leaves. Fruits can be large to very large with a jammy texture and moderately sweet and a unique berry flavor, very good taste. | |
Green Ischia | Video | Green Ischia has grown slowly for us but is doing better now and we picked our first fruit during the video shown. We still expect to get better fruit than this but this was a medium sized fruit with a small eye and the pulp was moderately sweet and a moderate berry flavor and some acidity. | |
Green Kalamata |
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Green Kalamata is supposedly a common type fig but still unproven at this point but started bearing for us in the third year. It produces large fruits for us. Fruits are juicy with syrup but also quite "meaty" with a moderate berry flavor and moderate sweetness and soft skin. | |
Green Nazareth | Video | Green Nazareth is a fig we received from Trees of Joy and we didn't get any background on this variety. These are our first fruits and were a bit over-ripe when we found them. The fruits were small in size and moderately sweet with a light berry flavor. We're hopeful fruits will get larger and higher quality as the tree gets larger. | |
Grigio | Video | Italian fig with little background information coming to us from another collector a few years ago. It has grown fairly well and appears to be a productive variety with very large fruits and small eye. The fruit had an interesting flavor and was moderately sweet, with a buttery taste, and sticky and jammy texture. Even an over-ripe fruit was very sweet with no spoiling. | |
Grise de Saint Jean |
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This French variety grows somewhat slowly at first but has become more vigorous with age. It produces fruits with very good flavor which are small to medium in size. | |
Grise Olivette (new) |
Video | French variety that produces smaller fruits that are very sweet. | |
Grosse Monstrueuse de Lipari
(Monstrueuse) |
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Reported to be an Italian variety which has been grown in California by fig collectors and USDA for several years though a grower in Sicily reported in 2015 that it is mislabeled. Fruits he showed are much larger. Regardless, this has been a popular fig as it's productive and fruits are sweet and very flavorful. Note: some spellings of this have varied on my pages and elsewhere, but we're now going with spelling shown in Condit's publication. | |
Gulbun |
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Productive variety producing very large fruits that are sweet and have a mild flavor. | |
Ham Rham
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Ham Rham is a Moroccan variety acquired through a friend and apparently introduced by Gene of East Coast Figs several years ago. Properly ripe fruit have an intense berry flavor and moderately to very sweet. | |
Handy | Video | Handy is a fig we got from Bass at Trees of Joy who had got it from Tim Clymer back east. We don't know the background on this. It is a still a young tree and so far has produced small fruit with a moderate berry flavor and moderate sweetness. Fruits may be more impressive after the tree gets larger. | |
Harry's Crete | Video | Harry's Crete is a popular fig that was shared with us by our dear friend CJ. Our tree is in a crowded location and the first fruit were smaller than typical for this variety but the second fruit was fairly characteristic as far as taste with a jammy texture, moderately sweet, and moderate to intense berry flavor. | |
Hative de Argentueil (Hative d'Argenteuil) |
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Hative de Argentueil is productive variety producing small fruits of good to very good quality, very rich and tasty. Believed to have originated from Argenteuil, France. | |
Hirschstetten |
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German variety, San Pedro type fig with very large fruits, sweet and mild flavor, juicy, moderate seed crunch. Very productive variety. | |
Igo (Prusch Park version) |
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This fig was discovered by a collector many years ago near a small town in northern California by the name of Igo. Our fig originated from Prusch Park where this collector donated many of the varieties grown there. Some others in the U.S. have a different fig under this name and the source of the mix-up is unknown. In any event, the fruits of this version are medium sized fig with mild sweetness, rich flavor with some acidity, chewy texture and moderate seed crunch. | |
Inchário Branco |
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Inchário Branco is a Portuguese fig and a smyrna type which requires caprification (pollination). Fruits are medium to large in size, quite sweet, with a mild berry or melon flavor (could not decide). These fruits are frequently dried in Portugal. | |
Inchário Preto |
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Smyrna type from Portugal, reportedly the highest quality variety sold in markets. Our tree produced large fruits with a very sweet figgy flavor, chewy texture, and moderate seed crunch. Seems to have more of a closed eye than most smyrna types. | |
Irene's Black Greek | Video | Irene's Dark Greek is a fig we received in 2019 from my great friend Dennis Johnson, a long-time figaholic in North Carolina. The tree appears to be very productive and our first fruit from the tree was much better than expected from such a young and small tree. It had medium to rich berry flavor, moderately to very sweet, dark red pulp, and medium in size. Dennis assured me the fruit will get even better as the tree ages. See video description for additional background information. | |
Ischia Black |
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This dark fig has been at the USDA collection at Davis for many years and has had a great reputation for being a great fig but it has typically been difficult to root and slow growing. We've had great success in grafting it onto more vigorous rootstock and our initial findings are that the cuttings from these plants root well. This is a variety with a fairly intense berry flavor and it is very much worth growing. | |
Italian 215 |
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One of a series of Italian figs imported by collector Todd Kennedy from Dr. Grassi. Sadly, we learned that Dr. Grassi whom I met in October 2001 at a chestnut conference passed away in March 2020. Dr. Grassi had lost his notes so the original names of these Italian varieties have been lost. This particular fig produced fruit that was sweet with a good flavor. Another friend of mine who lives in a mild climate and has a fairly large fig collection has indicated this is the only variety which produces ripe fruit for him every year. Produces an abundant crop of breba which are very large and of good quality. | |
Italian 258 |
Facebook Photo Video G. Nero comparison Breba Video |
See Italian 215 above for background information. One of our favorite varieties with a great reputation among long time fig collectors. Fruits will ideally have a a very jammy texture, a rich strawberry jam taste, a very sweet and delicious fig! | |
Italian 358 |
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See Italian 215 above for background information. Our small tree produced one small fruit in 2015 which was large and sweet with a mild flavor, though it was slightly over-ripe when picked. Also produces a breba crop. | |
Italian 376 |
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See Italian 215 above for background information. This tree has fruited well for us, producing large fruits which are sweet with a good flavor. Our tree also produces a breba crop and on June 21, 2021 we evaluated some breba that may possibly be the best breba we've tasted, being quite sweet and moderately flavorful. | |
Italian Honey |
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This is a productive variety producing medium-sized fruits that are sweet with a pleasant mild flavor. | |
Izmir | Video | Izmir is a fig that reportedly originated from the Izmir (Bursa) region of Turkey. Someone fruited Izmir outside of wasp territory but it appears this was a mislabeled tree. This may be a Smyrna type fig requiring caprification. Our fruits do appear different on the outside than what was shown by the original source but this may be due to climate and an experienced fig grower in Europe believes ours is correct.. The fig shown in this video was large and had a unique taste here with a blend of berry and melon flavors and is moderately sweet. Fruit probably should have been left a day longer before picking. | |
Jade (Aurora's) |
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Jade is a variety originating from the Algarve region of Portugal, discovered as a seedling growing at Aurora's garden. This variety was shared with others who then shared it with us. I heard recently that Aurora has passed away and we are grateful to have the opportunity to grow this fig. A friend in Michigan also picked fruit from his Jade this year so this is confirmed to be a common type fig not requiring caprification (pollination). Our fruit has been medium in size, very sweet, and with a delicious berry flavor and, perhaps something such as a caramel flavor. The fruit was very jammy and syrupy. | |
Jason's Unk. Negretta |
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Jason's Unknown Negretta is small to medium in size, has a moderately intense berry flavor, moderately sweet, juicy, and a little bit of acidity. At one time this was thought to be a FMV free strain of Ischia Black but that was determined to be incorrect. | |
Jolly Tiger |
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We've grown this variety for several years. It produces very attractive variegated leaves and we grow our tree where it gets shade in the afternoon to avoid sunburn of the light colored portions of leaves. We've picked fruit but the main attraction is the attractive foliage. We've pruned off branches that did not have variegated leaves so any cuttings we sell will be from branches that produced variegated leaves last year. This variety is know to frequently revert to solid green leaves so we do not guarantee that your tree will produce variegated leaves even though we've taken every step we can to improve your success. | |
Jumbo |
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This fig was discovered by our friend Bass at Trees of Joy while visiting California. Fruits are large to very large, have a mild berry flavor and are very sweet and juicy. | |
Jurupa |
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Jurupa is a fig that we've been growing for about 15 years. Our friend Don received this from a botanical garden which had received it originally from the UC Riverside breeding program. Shortly after Don received a cutting the garden lost their entire collection due to a severe nematode infestation because of some bad compost acquired. This has been a productive variety, usually producing the earliest breba and main crop we've picked (though this may change due to acquiring many more varieties than in the past few years). Fruits are sweet with a pleasant mild flavor with breba being comparable in quality to the main crop. I believe if fruits are caprified they are larger and have a pinkish pulp as shown in the linked photo. | |
Kadota |
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Kadota is a common commercial fresh market variety grown in California and was popularized by a Fresno area nursery which claimed in the early 20th century that it was a superior strain of the Italian Dotatto variety. However, this has mostly been dismissed as marketing fiction. Our tree has grown fairly slow for us for some reason. It can be a fairly large fig that is very sweet with a mild flavor, a honey type fig. | |
Kesariani |
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This fig is an unknown black fig which came from Kesariani, Greece and introduced by another fig collector back east. Our tree is productive and the fruits are small but sweet and rich in flavor. | |
Khurtmani | Video | Khurtmani is a popular Israel/Palestinian fig that has a bit of a controversial past, with multiple purported synonyms that have been proven false over the years. Our friend in Southern California who shared this variety with us reports that this fig originates directly from a reputable source in the Holy Land, and has been verified as true to type. Our tree has grown very well (started from a cutting in February 2018) and in September 2020 we picked our first fruit from the tree. This fruit was low on the tree and in deep shade and had some light blushing of reddish color. The fruit was soft and very sweet with a type of melon flavor. We look forward to getting earlier fruit next year which will likely be larger. This is a common type fig (pollination not required). | |
Koura Black (Lebanese) |
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Koura Black is a fig that originated from the Koura district of Lebanon and was introduced by Bass at Trees of Joy from whom we acquired this variety. The fruits are medium to large in size with a light pink or amber pulp and moderately sweet with a blend of a figgy and melon flavors. If allowed to become very ripe fruits are sweeter with more of a berry flavor. | |
La Bourgeoise | Video | La Bourgeoise is a French variety and our tree is still young and crowded between other trees. In the video we show the first fruits picked in 2020 and they were small to medium size with purple and green skin. The fruit was very tasty with moderate berry flavor, a little bit of acidity, and moderately to very sweet, and with a syrupy/jammy texture. See video description with link for proper pronunciation and background on name. | |
Laghel | Video | Laghel originates from northern Italy and is a common fig. Our fruits so far have been medium in size but it reportedly can get very large. Fruit is very sweet and jammy. | |
Lampa Branca |
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Large sized Portuguese fig that is sweet, mild berry flavor, very syrupy, smooth texture with slight seed crunch. It is unknown if this is a common or smyrna type fig but it has dropped figs for three years for another grower outside of wasp territory. | |
Lampa Parda |
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This is a Portuguese variety that fruited for us for the first time in 2018. This fruit was still fairly small but had a nice sweet melon flavor with slight seed crunch. Size and flavor should improve as tree gets larger. Fruit picked in 2020 was larger but over-ripe by the time we got to it. A friend reported that he has been unsuccessful in obtaining fruit from varieties known to require caprification but has obtained fruit from this variety so we are confident in calling this a common type fig. | |
Lampeira (Prusch) |
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Portuguese variety, though exact formal name is unclear. This is a large fig that is very sweet with some acidity with perhaps a wine-berry flavor, and is very juicy. Tree has been a slow grower for us but did well with a good crop starting in the fifth growing season. | |
Lampeira Preta |
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Portuguese San Pedro type producing high quality breba. The main crop fruit was very delicious with a moderate berry flavor and very sweet. | |
LaRadek's Brown Turkey (EBT) |
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Reported to have withstood very cold temperatures in northern Europe (-27C). The fruits are medium-sized and sweet to very sweet and having a nice flavor. Some have dried on the tree. | |
Lebanese Purple/Black (Lebanese Black Nick's) |
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This fig reportedly originated in Lebanon. Our tree is productive and fruits are medium to large in size and very sweet with a figgy flavor. Although this variety produced a breba crop (see photo), I don't recall beating the birds to any of them yet. | |
Lebanese Red |
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Lebanese variety introduced by Trees of Joy (our original source). This variety produces very large breba and medium size main crop for us. The fruits shown in the video were a bit smaller than normal and I think we need to give more fertilizer to our tree. However, the flavor of these fruits were some of the best we've had from our tree. | |
Lefka Paralias | Video | Lefka Paralias is a Greek fig that fruited for us for the first time in 2021. It is supposedly a common type fig (does not require pollination), but this has not been tested yet. Our fruits are small to medium in size and are so far smaller than photos from Greece we've seen. This fruit is very sweet and a honey-type fig. Larger fruits from Greece had darker pulp and were possibly caprified. | |
Lemon |
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Large fig with amber or red pulp, sweet, juicy and pleasant flavor, soft skin. | |
Leon's Montenegro | Video | This fig was shared with us by our friend Leon in Michigan who reported it originally came from Montenegro. Our tree has grown slowly until this year, which is strange, though this is not the first time we've had this happen. With the hot weather we didn't get to this tree soon enough and the fruit were over-ripe. The fruit was not spoiled, fortunately, and was very sweet. We expect the fruit to be larger and of better quality next year. The fruit seems similar to Dalmatie. | |
Levantina | Video | Levantina is reportedly a Portuguese smyrna type fig requiring caprification. The fruit in the video was the first fruit from our tree and it was small but expect fruit will probably be larger next year. Despite it's small size it was very good tasting and very sweet with a moderate berry flavor and jammy. | |
Livano Epirus | Video | Livano Epirus is a Greek variety we bought from our friend Pete and don’t know much about its background. Our tree is still young and is crowded between two older trees. The fruits are fairly large, moderately sweet, with a figgy flavor and meaty texture. It might become much sweeter if fully ripened. | |
Longue d'Aout |
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Popular French variety producing abundant crops of large fruits that are sweet and have good flavor. Produces both breba and main crop fruits. | |
LSU Purple |
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LSU Purple is a medium-sized fig with purple skin and has a nice berry flavor of moderate intensity and moderately sweet. Reportedly handles humid climates well and may be resistant to root knot nematodes according to some testimony. | |
LUV (Lupo) | Video | LUV is a local Italian dialect name for an ancient Italian fig also called Lupo, which translates to "wolf". This fig was sought after very much starting around 2013 with some deception involved with edited photos depicting a very blue fruit. Paolo Belloni (Pomona Gardens) in Italy has been the primary originating source for this variety. This ancient variety from the Piacenza province in Italy was very rare until the last five years or so. We finally acquired this variety a few years ago from a friend and the fruit shown in the video was our first fruit from our tree. We were a bit late and fruit was over-ripe but still quite good. The fruit has a very small eye and has a sweet berry flavor. The skin is very purplish and somewhat stained my fingers. | |
Macool |
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Syrian fig introduced by Trees of Joy. Fruits are small to medium in size with nice berry flavor and moderate sweetness. | |
Madeira Island Black |
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This fig was bought from our friend Keith (KK) back east in 2015 with the generic description "Black Fig Tree Cuttings from Madeira Portugal" but he has since called it Madeira Island Black so we will use this name. It seems to me to be the same as Black Madeira, Figo Preto, and Violeta. We will probably take a cutting from this and graft it for faster growth. These fruits had the classic Black Madeira berry flavor, sweetness, and syrupy pulp. | |
Makedonia Dark |
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Cold-hardy fig discovered in Pennsylvania and reportedly originally brought from Makedonia (Macedonia) by an immigrant. The fruits have a moderate intense berry flavor and moderate sweetness, jammy texture, small to medium size. | |
Malta Black | Video | Malta Black is a small dark fig with a nice berry flavor of moderate intensity and moderately sweet and juicy. | |
Malta Purple Red (GM 1) |
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Introduced from Malta which produces small to medium sized fruits that are moderately to very sweet and rich in flavor, juicy, chewy texture, moderate seed crunch. This tree grew slowly for first two years but has done very well since 2015 and is very productive. Others may want to try grafting it onto a vigorous rootstock to try to get earlier production. I consider this to be a great variety overlooked by many. | |
Maltese Beauty (GM 155) |
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Popular variety introduced from Malta, originally called GM 155. Fruit is very sweet with a berry flavor of moderate to very intense. We expect fruits will get larger as this tree becomes more mature. | |
Maltese Falcon |
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Maltese Falcon is another fig that originated in Malta. Our tree has not grown very well and suspect that is due to soil conditions as we have several trees in this area which are not doing well. Fruit is medium to large-sized and very sweet with a blend of a berry and figgy flavor. | |
Manresa | Video | This is a Spanish fig that has grown well for us and which is sweet with a berry flavor. | |
Marabout c Smyrna | Video | Marabout c Smyrnay is the first smyrna fig variety we grew on our farm and was planted in 2010. Fruits are medium to large in size and very sweet and juicy and a mild berry flavor. | |
Markopoulou |
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Markopoulou is a Greek variety that reportedly comes in two variants, one with dark skin and one with yellow. This is the one with dark skin and has a very dark red/purple pulp. Very moist and meaty and moderately sweet and a moderate berry flavor and has a unique taste. Some growers have commented that they believe this to be a smryna type fig so it should be grown only in areas with long growing seasons to trial. | |
Maroc Noir |
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Variety reportedly introduced from France but originally from Morocco. Very vigorous variety, productive, medium to large fruits of good sweetness and flavor. | |
Marseilles Black VS |
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This variety was introduced by our friend Vasile S., thus the initials behind the variety name. This French variety produces medium to large sized fruit of very good quality and tree is known for being cold hardy. | |
Martinenca Rimada |
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Spanish variety introduced by other collectors. We planted it in the main orchard in 2015 and grows well for us. It produces many excellent fruits that have a nice berry flavor, moderate sweetness, and mild to moderate acidity. A definite "must-have" variety. | |
Maryland Berry |
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This fig was a mislabeled fig at a store in Maryland and was shared by another collector with our friend Jon Verdick of Encanto Farms who named it Maryland Berry because of its origin and berry flavor. Fruits in 2019 were very good, better than we remember from prior years, though it may have just been something we overlooked or, perhaps, fruit quality is just improving with age. | |
Materneta |
Video | Marterneta is another Portuguese fig we are trialing. We picked some fruit last year and recorded a video but it was so late in the evening last year that the video was of very poor quality. The first fruit picked and shown in the video was over-ripe but was very sweet with a moderate berry flavor, moderate seed crunch. A second ripe fruit was picked which was also very sweet with a moderate berry flavor. | |
Mavra Sika (Andreas version) |
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Medium to large sized Greek fig with nice intense berry flavor, moderately to very sweet, excellent overall flavor. This is reportedly a common type fig but has not yet been confirmed by us. | |
Mavra Vasilika Sika |
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Mavra Vasilika Sika is a Greek fig that is medium in size with a moderately to very intense berry flavor and moderately sweet with some acidity. | |
Mavro Melia |
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Mavro Melia is a Greek fig which is supposedly a common type fig but not verified. Fruits are large and are very sweet with a moderate berry flavor. Tree vigor is good with attractive leaves. | |
Medici Historic Reserve #1 |
Video Video 2020 |
Medici Historic Reserve #1 is an unknown fig originating from the Medici Reserve in Italy and was introduced by a collector back east. The fig shown in the video was the first fruit from our tree and it was very sweet and had a unique intense flavor of some sort of berry, perhaps. In 2020 was growing more vigorously and very productive. The first fruit we picked in 2020 was very sweet with a figgy flavor | |
Medici Historic Reserve #3 |
Video Video 2020 |
Medici Historic Reserve #3 is an unknown fig coming from the Tuscany region of Italy and acquired by another collector back east. The fruit picked and shown in the video was medium in size and very sweet with a mild berry flavor. The fruit picked in 2020 was also very sweet with a moderate berry flavor and very jammy. | |
Mega Celeste |
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Mega Celeste was purchased by another collector back east where it was mislabeled as Celeste and later given the current name. It is typically a medium-sized fig, sometimes approaching large, and can produce very good tasting fruits with a berry flavor of medium intensity and moderately sweet with slight acidity. It is a juicy fig. | |
Mel do Algarve | Video | Mel do Algarve, which means "honey of Algarve (Portugal)", can have a honey drop coming from the eye of the fig. The fruits in our video are the first fruits picked from our tree and I'm guessing birds got them in prior years. | |
Melanzana |
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Melanzana is another fig which originated from Italy. The name means eggplant. The fig is supposedly a common type fig. The fig is large, very sweet and juicy with a light brown sugar flavor. | |
Melanzana Meradoscola | Video | Melanzana Meradoscola is a variant obtained from a friend back east and we picked our first fruit in 2019. Fruits were medium in size and the pulp was dark red and was quite sweet with the flavor seemingly a blend of berry and maple syrup. | |
Mersin Mut |
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Mersin Mut originated from Turkey. This fig is medium to large in size, moderately to very sweet, a mild or melon flavor, and juicy. It is not yet known for certain if this is a common or smyrna type fig. | |
Mission SLO Black | Video | Mission SLO Black is an unknown fig found growing at the Mission courtyard at San Luis Obispo (collected with permission of the pastor). At the time it was viewed at the Mission, the fruit was oblate but they appear much different here on our farm. The fruit in this video was moderately to very sweet with a mild berry flavor, though this fruit was not fully ripe. | |
Moro da Caneva (Nerino) |
Video | This is a very old heirloom Italian variety dating back to the 14th century that a good friend shared with us who said it is also sometimes called Fico Nerino. This fig is written about at this page from the area where it originates. This is the first year our tree has produced ripe fruits and they were unusually long and had a very small eye and were very sweet with a nice strawberry jam flavor. | |
Morocco Alter 23 |
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This is another variety that originated in Morocco and came to us from another collector back east. Fruits are very large and always have a cavity in them but are of very good quality. | |
Moscatel Preto |
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Moscatel Preto is a Portuguese fig which has grown slowly but now doing better. The fruit shown in the video was picked about a day early but was still moderately sweet with a combination of a berry and, perhaps, melon flavor. Fruit was very moist and chewy. Please see our Facebook photos for earlier fruit characteristics. This is now a productive variety with very good fruit quality. | |
Motoso Preto |
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Motoso Preto has grown with medium vigor and is a productive tree. The fruits are large and juicy and have medium sweetness, reminiscent of brown sugar or caramel. | |
Naples Black | Video | This fig came to us with this name but we did not get any background information on the fig. Our first fruit from our tree was medium in size and was very sweet with a mild flavor and juicy, attractive fruit. | |
Napolitana |
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Napolitana is a fig which originated in Italy. The fruits shown in the video were very sweet. These black figs are very shiny which is uncommon in our climate. | |
Napolitana Blanca | Video | Napolitana Blanca is a Spanish variety shared with us by our friend Dan in Michigan. Our tree has grown very well but was slow to fruit for us for some reason but was productive in 2020. The fruit has green skin with a fairly small eye and was excellent tasting, very sweet and moderate berry flavor, very syrupy and jammy. | |
Napolitana Negra | Video | Napolitana Negra is a Spanish fig that appears similar on the outside to Galicia Negra but is quite different with it being both sweeter and juicier. | |
Narragansett 4343 |
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This unknown fig was discovered by another collector on a street of this address in San Diego, California. Our first fruit from our tree was picked in 2015 and it has been a productive fig for us, producing medium to large sized fruits that are very sweet with a pleasant flavor. In our video we show the effects of fruits that are caprified (the first fruit shown with amber pulp was not caprified). When caprified, it had a berry flavor and was juicy. | |
Natalina (cuttings somewhat small) |
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This Italian variety came to us from another collector and was very slow to get started growing and is doing a bit better now, but still slow growing. We plan to plant a version of this grafted onto a more vigorous tree. Fruit is very sweet syrupy, and a taste of brown sugar. | |
Navid's Unk. Dark Greek |
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This Unknown Dark Greek originated from Navid and is different than the one which came from the island of Chios which was introduced by Marius. This is a small early to mid-season fig with a moderate berry flavor and sweetness. It appears fruit might be able to dry on the tree without spoilage. | |
Negra d'Agde |
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This fig was discovered in the village of Agde, France by a French collector. I received it from another collector in California who has reported it to be a good producer of figs with very good flavor but some have reported that it has been slow to fruit for them. We harvested our first fruit (see linked photo) after planting the tree in our orchard in the spring of the same year. Fruits are dark, medium in size, with a very nice berry flavor, medium sweetness, some acidity, moist delicious fig. | |
Negretta (Marius Unknown or Piccola Negretta) | Video | This version of Negretta was introduced by another fig collector back east, Marius. The tree is very productive with small to medium-sized fruits. The fully ripe fruit had a fairly intense flavor with moderate sweetness. Some fruits will dry on the tree if left unpicked. | |
Negronne | Video | Negronne is a French variety with a synonym of Violette de Bordeaux. It is probably the same or very similar to our Vista fig which grows much better in another area on our farm. Fruits are medium in size with moderate berry flavor and moderate sweetness. | |
Nero 600m |
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This fig was introduced to the U.S. by another fig collector several years ago after acquiring the fig from a nursery in France and the original tree was discovered growing in the wild at an altitude of 600 meters. Despite cold winters there, the mother tree produced reliable crops of fruit. We have found the fruits to be small to medium in size, very sweet and flavorful although fruit in 2019 was a bit less sweet and tasty. | |
Nerucciolo d' Elba | Video | Nerucciolo d' Elba is a very interesting Italian fig that produces a lot of small dark figs that have a taste of mild sweetness with quite a bit of acidity or bitterness. Since even dried fruits don't spoil it is likely that sugar level is fairly high but there are strong competing flavors. The figs have a small eye and hang on the tree very well, not dropping. These small fruits have a potent flavor that I enjoyed. | |
Nixon Peace Fig |
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The Nixon Peace Fig was supposedly given as a gift by Chinese leaders during talks with former President Nixon. The tree has grown well for us and the fruits are medium to large in size, a very sweet honey type fig. Flavor is mild but refreshing. I apologize for not getting the fruit into the view of the camera well. I was having trouble with my camera gyro moving properly due to low battery. | |
Noir de Barbentane |
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Noir de Barbentane is a French variety that may be a synonym for Violette de Solliès and Bourjassotte Noire. Pierre Baud describes all three in his book on the same page and indicates they are very similar but that Noir de Barbentane is grown in another area and is earlier. However, the timing of the fruit seems about the same on our farm. They have an oblate shape and have a dark pulp with an intense berry flavor and moderate sweetness. | |
Noir de Caromb |
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This French variety has grown very well for us but was slow to fruit initially but now fruits very well and is a productive tree and fairly early. The fruits are medium to large in size, have a figgy flavor, are very sweet and chewy in texture. Sugar levels are high enough that fruits can dry on the tree without spoiling. | |
Nordland |
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Nordland appears to be the same as Longue d'Aout and produces large to very large fruits that are very sweet, perhaps with a melon flavor and juicy. Produces a breba crop as well. | |
Nuestra Señora del Carmen (New in 2023) |
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Nuestra Señora del Carmen (or Virgen del Carmen) is a Spanish variety introduced by our friend Karla at Gardenchrocet. She reported that this is considered by her to be her number one variety for flavor and productivity from over 500 varieties trialed. Our Nuestra Señora del Carmen cutting was purchased from Gardencrochet and grafted onto DFIC0023 Palmata Hybrid on 1/25/2021 and has grown vigorously for us. It was planted in the ground on 8/9/2021 and the best fruits were ripening four weeks later and were outstanding. The fruit was moderately sweet with a very nice blend of figgy and berry flavor and a nice syrupy texture and soft but not delicate skin. | |
Ohra Tabahanosika |
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Rare medium to large Greek fig with dark red pulp with moderately rich berry flavor, moderate sweetness, and some acidity. This variety is supposedly a common type fig but this has not yet been verified. | |
Panache (Panachee, Borjassotte Panachee, Tiger) |
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This French variety has been one of my favorites for several years. All of our trees are vigorous and very productive. Fully ripe fruits are very syrupy with a moderately intense berry flavor, sweet to very sweet, with slight acidity. Very delicious and beautiful figs! | |
Panevino White |
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This fig is known as both Panevino White (name first assigned by Trees of Joy which introduced the fig) and Pane E Vino White (note that name on linked photo has typo). There are two versions of Panevino, a black and a white one, each discovered by Bass at Trees of Joy at a now defunct restaurant in Pennsylvania. The trees there were grown unprotected so this is considered to be a cold hardy selection. Fruits are large and very sweet mild flavor. | |
Panitseika |
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Panitseika is a Greek fig which is reportedly a common type fig, though this has not yet been confirmed. These fruits are reddish and medium in size with the ripest fruits being very sweet and juicy with fruits of more typical ripeness being moderately sweet with a moderate berry flavor. Our tree grows well and is very productive and in 2020 and 2021 we noticed we still were getting several ripe figs in early December. | |
Paradiso Bronze |
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We received this fig a number of years ago as Paradiso Bronze, though the skin doesn't look right for that variety, though this may be due to our climate as we've seen other figs colors change in our climate. The fruits have a moderate berry flavor and are moderately sweet. | |
Paratjal | Video | Paratjal is a Spanish fig and we're guessing it may be a parent to the Paratjal Rimada. The fruits seem somewhat similar to the fruits of Paratjal Rimada without the stripes. Fruit has a moderately intense berry flavor, sweet to very sweet, a jammy texture. | |
Paratjal Rimada |
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Spanish variety producing medium-sized fruits with fairly intense berry flavor, very nice sweetness, jammy texture, moderate seed crunch. Stripes fade somewhat as fruit ripens but color variation remains very interesting and unique. | |
Pastiliere (Baud) |
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French variety of medium size, fairly intense berry flavor, moderate sweetness and acidity, chewy texture. It should be noted that this strain that reportedly originally came from Pierre Baud in France seems to be different than that which is held in the USDA germplasm at Wolfskill and it has a history of dropping fruit for at least a few years. Some collectors/growers in Europe report a similar experience but later report it fruits well for them. Please consider this variety only if you are patient or have long warm seasons. However, a customer in New Jersey who bought cuttings in 2018 reported that it fruited fine for him in 2021 with no dropping noticed. | |
Patlican |
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Turkish variety are medium in size with moderate sweetness and a unique flavor that I cannot associate with any particular words (raisin and cherry are two words that came to mind but not quite right). The texture is dense and chewy with a moderate seed crunch. Our tree seemed to not be getting enough water so future fruits may be larger. Common type fig which is said to produce two crops, though we have not had a breba crop on our tree yet. | |
Pelligrini Unknown | Video | Pelligrini is an unknown Italian variety (probably not the same as another variety with this name) and the fruit shown in this video was our first fruit from a tree planted in 2018. The fruit was medium in size and very sweet with blends of honey and melon flavors. Fruit should get larger as the tree becomes mature. | |
Peloponnisiaka Aspra Sika
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This tree was somewhat slow to fruit for us (had fruit in earlier years that did not develop). We expect fruit size to increase. These fruits were medium in size with sweet berry flavor and jammy texture and moderate seed crunch. This is supposedly a common type fig but this has not been verified. Some people outside of wasp territory have reported that their fruit have dropped but so did ours for the first two growing seasons. It is probably best grown in areas with long hot growing seasons. | |
Pérola | Video | Pérola is a Portuguese fig from the Algarve region of Portugal. The fruits are medium in size with a bronze blush on them and are very sweet with a unique flavor that I was unable to associate with another food except, perhaps, molasses. | |
Peterson Prolific |
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Peterson Prolific appears to be very productive. Unfortunately, our one ripe fruit in 2015 was over-ripe and spoiled before I discovered it (see photo). Fruits medium in size, green skin, red pulp. | |
Peu de Porc | Video | Peu de Porc is a small to medium sized Spanish variety. Our first fruit from this tree was picked in 2016 and it has grown slowly for us. At that time, the fig was firm and eye was sealed with honey. Fig was chewy with moderate sweetness and good flavor. The fig shown in the 2019 video was over-ripe and partly spoiled but the top portion was very sweet with a honey-type flavor. We grafted a cutting of this tree onto Brown Turkey rootstock and planted it next to our original tree so that we can get more growth to offer cuttings of this tree. | |
Pied de Boeuf | Video | Pied de Boeuf is fairly large, quite sweet, with good flavor. | |
Pingo de Mel | Video | Portuguese variety with the name translating to "Drop of Honey". These are medium to large size fruits that are very sweet and with a pleasant mild flavor. Many Portuguese friends from the Azores have expressed a great love for these figs but they are popular elsewhere in Portugal as well. Our friend in Portugal (original source for this variety to a former fig collector in the eastern U.S.) believes that our breba fruit should contain pollen. We do not typically document our breba fruits but will try to do so in the future. | |
Pingo de Mel (da Madeira) (New) |
Facebook Reel | Portuguese variety with the name translating to "Drop of Honey". This version originally came from Madeira, Portugal and is fairly new in our collection and our tree is still small. Very sweet fig. | |
Pinheira | Video | Pinheira is a Portuguese variety that produces large fruits with green skin and some blush of red. Fruits are very soft when fully ripe and very sweet with a blend of berry and honey flavors and a very jammy texture. It is unknown if this is a common fig or if it requires caprification. | |
Placer Gold |
Video 2019 Video 2020 |
Placer Gold is an unknown fig found growing at the old home of a friend in the old gold mining community of Placerville. I suggested this name to my friend who agreed with it. The fruit in the 2019 video was the first fruit from our tree which was planted in 2018. It is believed to be a common type fig. The 2019 fruit was very sweet and a honey type fig and syrupy with some seed crunch. A fruit picked in 2020 was fairly large and didn’t seem ripe at first but was fairly ripe and was moderate to very sweet with a melon flavor and a jammy and meaty texture. | |
Planera |
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Planera is a Spanish variety which produced ripe fruit for the first time for us in 2015. The book by Mr. Pons shows this fruit having darker pulp than ours but the "sweet and juicy" description was fitting. Our fruit, however, was larger than the 38 grams mentioned in the book. | |
Plint Grosso Malunga |
Facebook Photo Video 2020 |
This variety originated from Francesco in Italy and has been grown by others and confirmed to be a common type fig. The fruit picked in 2020 were mostly large in size and very sweet with a moderate berry flavor and syrupy texture. | |
Ponte Tresa |
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This is an excellent fig with a sweet berry flavor, moderate seed crunch, and jammy texture. This variety was introduced by a collector after discovering this unknown variety along a lake in Switzerland and it quickly became popular. Some growers have reported it is very resistant to rain-related splitting. | |
Popone |
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This is a striped bifera fig originating on Elba island in Tuscany, of ancient pedigree. This variety remains very rare. Our trees of Popone are very productive and produce fruits that are very sweet with an intense berry flavor and jammy texture. Fruits have a small eye. | |
Preto Porches | Video | Portuguese variety which has grown very well for us but didn't fruit for us until 2020. The fruits were medium to large in size with a delicate skin and very sweet with a mild nutty flavor. | |
Princesa |
Facebook Photo Breba Photo Video |
Princesa produced large figs with sweet and mild flavor for us. It's reportedly a favorite variety of Mr. Pons in Spain. Produces breba of fair quality. | |
Principe | Video | Principe is a Portuguese variety with large fruits that are very sweet and a honey flavor and juicy. This is a common type fig that has fruited for a friend of ours who does not have wasps in his area. | |
Quarteira | Video | There are two versions of Quarteira and this one simply goes by the name of Quarteira while the other is reportedly somewhat different is referred to as Quarteira Velha or Old Quarteira. This version is medium to large in size and very sweet with a honey flavor and juicy. | |
Quarteira Velha (or Old Quarteira) |
Facebook Photo Video 2020 |
This is one of two strains of Quarteira, this one originally from a tree dating back to 1918. The fruit shown in the 2020 video was fairly large with yellow skin and some faint purple stripes. The fruit was very syrupy and very sweet with a moderate berry flavor. Our tree was slow to produce but was a vigorous grower and is now a productive tree. The velha adjective with this strain is to indicate it comes from the old tree as the word velha means “old lady.” | |
Red Israel |
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Variety from Israel. Said to be also known as Khurtmani but reports indicate pulp is too dark to be that variety. Skin in some climates is more red than ours. Productive and large fruits of good quality. | |
Red Lebanese (Bekaa Valley version) |
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Lebanese variety originating from the Bekaa Valley which has a black skin in our climate. Fruits so far have been small but flavor is nice, moderately sweet and rich, chewy texture, moderate seed crunch. | |
Red Libya |
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Medium sized fig reportedly originally from Libya with moderately intense berry flavor, chewy texture, moderate seed crunch. Some fruits have considerable taste of acidity while others mostly taste sweet. | |
Red Sicilian |
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Red Sicilian is believed to originate from the old Belleclare Nursery. In our climate the fruits are dark. Fruits are small to medium in size. This fruit had a meaty texture with moderate berry flavor and sweetness but some prior fruits for us have been juicy and sweeter. A friend in Michigan grows this variety in the ground and it has withstood temperatures of at least -15F. | |
Rigato del Salento (PB bifera version) |
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Our Rigato del Salento (PB bifera version) is an Italian variety and this bifera version produces breba as well as main crop. Some friends that grow this indicate it is resistant to splitting in rainy weather and is a productive variety for them. Our two trees have been pruned very heavily for cuttings and are growing well but fruit formation was delayed due to the heavy pruning. As shown in Video 1, fruits are typically fairly large fruit with very sweet and moderate berry taste and jammy/syrupy texture. | |
Rogil | Video | Rogil is a Portuguese fig we've been growing for a few years that grew very well but was slow to fruit for us. In 2020 we had several figs of fairly large size though they also had a fairly large eye. The fruits were juicy and sweet and tasted like watermelon to me, a flavor similarity that jumped out to me right away. | |
Ronde de Bordeaux |
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This French variety produces abundant crops of small but very tasty and sweet fruits. Dark skin with dark red pulp. Reported by other growers to be cold hardy. | |
Rossellino |
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Rare small Italian variety with berry flavor, slightly sweet, and some acidity. Productive small fig variety. | |
Rosso di Trani | Video | Rosso di Trani is a fig we acquired from a friend and, upon further review, I see that this is a fig which was on the list of varieties from Gene of East Coast Figs many years ago and he indicated this was introduced from our friend Leon in New Mexico. The fig originated from Bari, Italy and produces large breba as well. The fruit shown in the video from our young tree was moderately sweet with a moderate figgy flavor and seemed somewhat similar to Brown Turkey, but the leaves are different and we will continue to evaluate. | |
Royal Vineyard |
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Reportedly a variety grown in the gardens at Burnley in Australia in the 1800s but then lost there. We obtained a cutting to start our tree from a collector in the eastern U.S. Our first fruit of Royal Vineyard in 2015 was slightly over-ripe and spoiled before being discovered. It was a large fig and was still sweet and had pretty good flavor. | |
Saint Anthony |
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Medium to large Italian variety with moderate sweetness, nice mild but interesting flavor, smooth texture with slight seed crunch. It is moderately early and productive for us. | |
Saint Martin |
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Saint Martin reportedly originated in France where an established tree had reportedly withstood temperatures of -25C (-13F) without any problem. This is hard to believe but, perhaps, the tree was partially insulated by snow. Some fruit in 2019 was medium in size with a dark red pulp, somewhat jammy/syrupy, moderate berry flavor and sweetness, soft skin. Later fruit was not syrupy but was jammy, an intense berry flavor, and moderate sweetness. | |
Saint Rita | Video | Italian fig introduced by a collector from Michigan. It originally comes from a town in Italy called Cascia and was named after a saint from that village. We have picked fruit from our tree but have neglected to take photos. The fruit is small to medium dark purple fig with outstanding berry flavor. | |
Salem Honey |
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Fig introduced/named by Trees of Joy. Fruits have light green or yellow skin and light red pulp, are medium in size, and sweet with good flavor. Believed to originally have come from Italy. | |
San Miro Piro |
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Little is known of this variety. We believe it to be misspelled and it's true Italian name is unknown. Our tree was acquired by a collector who had it in a pot for over 10 years and he reported that it produced very good quality breba. We only had main crop fruits in 2015 after finally getting it planted in the ground. | |
Sangue Dolce | Video | Rare fig introduced by a fig collector in the northeast U.S. who obtained it from another fig collector. After growing hundreds of varieties he has judged this to be his favorite. Fruits are small, but tasty. | |
Sanguinato |
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Sanguinato is a Greek fig (though it may have some Italian origin in its naming). Our tree has grown very vigorously. The fruits are large, sweet with a nice flavor, have a jammy texture, and deep red pulp. A friend of ours is growing a tree of Sanguinato in Michigan and ate one fruit from his tree in 2019. It wasn't fully ripe but good enough to eat so I think this is good enough to confirm that it is a common type fig but requires a relatively long growing season, although this video was recorded on August 21st which isn't extraordinarily late for our location. May be a Smyrna type but we're not sure of this. | |
Sao Joao (new) | Video | Portuguese variety that is smaller and a very sweet honey type fig. | |
Sao Luiz | Video | Sao Luiz is a Portuguese fig fruiting for us for the first time. This is a common type fig that has fruited for a friend of ours who does not have wasps in his area. Another grower in Utah reported he has also had fruit ripen. The pulp of this dark fig was dark amber and was very sweet with a honey flavor. Fruit size will likely get larger once the tree is more mature. | |
Sao Miguel Roxo (Azores Dark) |
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Variety that is reportedly originally from the Azores islands of Portugal. Also goes by name of Azores Dark. Has produced small fruits for us that were very chewy, moderately sweet and flavorful, smooth texture, and slight seed crunch | |
Sarizeybek |
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Large honey-type fig from Turkey, very sweet mild flavor, juicy, some seed crunch, drop of honey in the eye of many fruits. Smyrna type fig | |
Sbayi | Video | Sbayi is an Israeli variety that has grown well for us with vigorous growth despite obvious signs of Fig Mosaic Virus. The fruit is medium to large in size with a small eye and firm skin, very syrupy, very sweet, and a moderate berry flavor. A very good fig. | |
Sequoia | Video | Sequoia is a large fig developed by the University of California with funding from an association of California fig growers to find a suitable replacement to the Calimyrna which requires caprification. This fig produces breba and also a main crop suitable for either fresh market or drying. However the University of California patented the variety and this reportedly upset the growers that paid for its development and they essentially boycotted the planting of this variety. We do not sell cuttings of this variety as we don't have a royalty agreement with the UC system. | |
Shafter | Video | Shafter is an unknown fig that was shared with us by someone who found it growing in a cool region of the Bay Area in northern California. It reportedly ripens reliably there. This fruit was medium in size with a green skin and pink pulp, was moderately to very sweet with a melon type flavor and jammy texture. | |
Shenshare | Video | Shenshare is reportedly a smyrna type fig (requires pollination) which, as I understand it, originates from the Syrian town of Shinshar. The fruits are fairly oblate and large, reddish in color, with the pulp being very sweet with a moderate berry flavor and very juicy and jammy. This variety was shared by our friend Nick and propagated by grafting onto our vigorous Panache tree. The fruit picked and shown in the video was an excellent fig. | |
Sicilian Black - Belleclare #39 |
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Variety originally introduced many years ago by the former Belleclare Nursery. Small fruit with moderate sweetness, good flavor with moderate richness, chewy and sticky texture with slight seed crunch. | |
Sierra |
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Variety introduced by UC Davis breeding program as a
common type fig to potentially replace the Calimyrna fig. Useful
for fresh as well as drying. Very vigorous tree with growth of 10
feet or so in our climate. NOTE: Many cuttings are fairly fat (3/4" or so in diameter) |
Siyah Orak |
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Small to medium Turkish fig with mild berry flavor, sweet, smooth texture, thin skin. This variety is said to produce two crops but we have not had a breba crop yet. It is also said to be a common type that has fruited outside of areas with the fig wasp. | |
Skoura Vavatsika |
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Skoura Vavatsika is a Greek fig that is supposedly a common type (not requiring caprification) but it is one of the later varieties at our farm. Fruits are medium in size and moderately to very sweet and a moderate berry flavor with some other unique flavor. | |
Smith |
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Heirloom variety from the southern U.S. with an excellent reputation for producing great fruits despite humid conditions. Our mother tree has grown very well and is a productive tree. Fruits were very sweet and flavorful with a chewy texture and moderate seed crunch. | |
Sobon Blue-Green |
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An unknown fig discovered by another collector at a winery in Northern California. We picked our first fruits in 2016. Flavor was quite good and I can't associate the flavor with anything else. The fruit was moderately sweet, slightly acidic, and fairly rich in flavor. Texture was chewy with significant seed crunch. | |
Socorro Black |
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Fig discovered by a friend in Socorro, New Mexico. For some reason the leaves on our tree did not appear correct in 2014 but now that the tree is mature the leaves were normal. We have been picking high quality fruits from our productive trees of this variety since 2014. Fruits are purple and green of good size, sweet berry flavor and jammy texture. | |
Sofeno Escuro |
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Sofeno Escuro is a Portuguese fig. The fruit shown in the Facebook photo was very ripe with no spoilage and was very sweet with a berry flavor and a bit of a tang flavor. Fruits are medium to large in size and skin is delicate. This has been confirmed by our friend Francisco in Portugal as being a common type fig which does not require pollination. | |
Sofeno Preto | Video | Sofeno Preto is a Portuguese fig which has grown well for us. We've missed some earlier opportunities to pick some ripe fruit and at the time the video was made we didn't find any fruits that were in a prime stage of ripeness. The first fruit was already drying on the tree but still had some syrup in it and was very sweet with a slight berry flavor. Another fruit that was not ripe was still quite sweet with a slight berry flavor. Finally at about the 3:30 mark a smaller fruit which was properly ripened was picked and it was very sweet with a mild berry flavor with some syrup. Some people in Portugal reportedly claim this is a common type variety but a friend there has indicated he is not sure this is correct and believes it best to consider this to be a Smyrna type until proven otherwise. we expect the tree to be more productive and earlier next year. | |
Souadi |
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Souadi is a Lebanese fig introduced by another collector. Fruits are medium in size, juicy, with moderate sweetness and a good flavor that is unique and difficult for me to describe. Somewhat chewy with slight seed crunch. | |
Stella |
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Picked our first fruits in 2017 from a variety that may be the same as Dalmatie and Belleclare's Vasilika Sika. The fruit we picked had a sweet berry flavor and syrupy texture. This fruit was probably a day past prime but was still good. | |
Sucrette (not Baud version) |
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There is some confusion over this variety. This version of Sucrette has been shared among fig collectors for some time but another (true?) version from Baud in France produces fruit that are not so dark green and pulp not so dark red. Our tree is productive and fruits are sweet and very rich in flavor. | |
Super Jumbo | Video | Super Jumbo is a variety named in Malaysia but it’s original source is unknown to us. This is another variety shared with us by another U.S. collector which we are trialing. The fruit are very large, perhaps over 120 grams. The fruit is very sweet with a mild berry flavor, jammy, and quite a bit of seed crunch. | |
Super Red Hybrid | Video | Super Red Hybrid is a fig with unknown origins although I believe the name originated in Malaysia. The eye on this fruit was not large but the first fruit was still infested with ants but the second fruit was not. Fruits had a mild flavor and were sweet. Variety appears to be very productive but has been a slow grower for us thus far. | |
Sweet Joy
Video | Sweet Joy is a Syrian variety introduced by our friends at Trees of Joy. It has grown well for us but seems to be a late variety, though our pruning of the tree for cuttings does likely delay fruit formation. The tree is fairly productive and fruits are large and are very sweet with a honey flavor. | |
Syrian Dark #2 (S... Dark #2)* |
Video | Syrian Dark #2 is another fig of Syrian origin that we received from my friend Bass in Pennsylvania. I accidentally left out the mention of #2 in the recording of the video. The purple fruit are medium in size, very sweet, jammy, with a mild berry flavor. | |
Syrian Honey (S... Honey)* |
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Syrian Honey is an attractive tree with leaves that are serrated and with long fingers. The fruits are small to medium in size and very sweet with a honey flavor. Leaves have a very ornamental shape. | |
Tashkent (Tashkenskaya) |
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Tashkent is named after the city in Uzbekistan. I assume my source is indirectly Raintree Nursery which previously offered this variety. The fruits can be very large and oblate in shape with a very sweet honey taste. Our tree was slow to fruit for us but is now very productive. | |
Tauro (Domenico Tauro or Nero di Terlizzi |
Facebook Breba Facebook Main Video Breba Video |
This Italian is known for producing very large fruits and I've seen a photo of a fruit weighing over 300 grams. Our fruits have been quite large but not that big yet. See linked photos and the video for more details. | |
Tenedos Grey | Video | Tenedos Grey is a fig originating from Turkey that produced fruit for us for the first time in 2019 (tree started in spring 2017). The fruit was large with a light berry and honey taste and moderately sweet, jammy texture. This is supposedly a common type fig but this has not been confirmed yet. | |
Tio Antonio | Video | Tio Antonio is a fig we acquired from another grower north of us who reported that this variety had produced very large fruit. I wasn't familiar with the name and he gave me some information that I was unable to confirm so I don't know anything more about this variety. The fruit shown in the video was the first fruit from our tree and it was not fully ripe but I picked it as it might be over-ripe before I got back to it. It had a figgy flavor and was moderately sweet. The second fruit was very ripe and very sweet and a honey flavor. | |
Tres Num Prato (Tres Ao Prato) |
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Name meaning "3 to the plate". This is a variety introduced by another fig collector friend. We found some over-ripe fruits on our tree last week and these are the first we've picked from this young tree. These fruits were quite sweet with a mild pleasant flavor. I expect fruit size to increase as the tree becomes established. | |
Tsapleosiko (or Tsapelosiko) |
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Greek fig producing for the first time for us in 2016. The fruit was small but should be larger in time. Fruit was sweet with a nice interesting flavor, chewy texture with moderate seed crunch. | |
Tseligato |
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Greek variety with interesting berry flavor, sweet, moderate seed crunch. This variety is reportedly a common type but this is still being tested to confirm. | |
TV3 |
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TV3 is a Portuguese fig with reports of high quality fruit. The fruit picked in 2015 and shown in the Facebook photo was the first fruit from our small tree. Fruit was small but sweet and pretty good flavor. In 2019 when we recorded our video the tree was quite productive but also had dropped some fruit for some reason. We need to update our review of this variety and hope to show larger and higher quality fruits with the next review. | |
Type 208 |
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Medium to large fig originally from Turkey with berry flavor of moderate intensity, moderately sweet, jammy texture, and moderate seed crunch. I have not confirmed if this variety is a common type or not. | |
UCR 160-50
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We've neglected to take a photo of fruit from our orchard but we're showing a photo of fruit picked a few years ago in USDA's Wolfskill orchard, the source of the cutting from which our tree was started. This is a productive variety with fruits of nice size and a good flavor and good sweetness. | |
UCR 184-15 "Strawberry Teardrop" |
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This variety was developed at UCR Riverside and never formally named but given the nickname of "Strawberry Teardrop" by Jon at Encanto Farms. This is a very productive variety which produces very large green figs with a red pulp. Fruits are sweet with a very nice flavor. | |
UCR 187-25 |
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Medium to large sized figs that are moderately sweet with a rich flavor, slight acidity, chewy texture with moderate seed crunch. | |
Unk. Pastiliere |
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Excellent variety considered to be one of the best-tasting but is probably Smyrna type. May require wasp though one grower in Austria reported he obtained ripe fruits last year after growing it for many years and another shorter term grower in Las Vegas also reported getting fruit. This fig was acquired from Encanto Farms from someone who did not know the variety and it was initially believed to be Pastiliere but later determined not to be, thus given this name. Our tree has grown well and fruited in its second year producing a good crop of small fruits with a very rich flavor and adequate sweetness. | |
Valle Negra |
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Valle Negra is productive, medium-sized fig with rich flavor. Fruit reach fairly large size on branches with less fruit. One of the earlier main crop figs for us. Reported to be cold-hardy, coming from a cold region in Italy. | |
Vasilika Melissi | Video | Vasilika Melissi is a Greek fig which has grown well for us and is now producing large fruits for us that were excellent. Some growers have commented that they believe this to be a smryna type fig so it should be grown only in areas with long growing seasons to trial. This fruit had a dense yet syrupy pulp that had some acidity and was moderately to very sweet and a moderate intensity berry flavor. An excellent fig overall. | |
Vasilika Sika (Belleclare's strain) |
Facebook Photo Video Breba Video |
Was introduced by the famous (now former) Belleclare Nursery. Appears to be the same as Stella and Dalmatie. Produces large fruits of very good quality. | |
Vasilika Sika (Vasile strain) |
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This fig was introduced by another collector in the eastern U.S. who reportedly obtained it from a Greek immigrant. It was claimed to be the true Vasilika Sika but some doubts about that remain based on reports from another fig collector in Greece. Regardless, this fig is said to produce very good quality fruits. Medium sized fig with intense berry flavor, good sweetness, thick chewy texture, moderate seed crunch. | |
Verdal Longue | Video | Verdal Longue is planted in an area of our orchard where several trees have not grown well so it has taken us several years to produce fruit. Perhaps we will graft a cutting onto more vigorous rootstock to get better growth. This fig had tough skin due to excessive sun exposure but the pulp was very good with a jammy texture and moderate sweetness and moderate berry flavor. | |
Verdal Negra |
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Small Spanish variety with moderate sweetness, rich flavor, chewy texture with moderate seed crunch. | |
Verte |
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Verte produces small to medium-sized fruits that are green on the outside with a dark red pulp. Fruits have a very nice intense berry flavor and mild sweetness. Very nice fruits. | |
Victoria |
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Victoria is another Spanish variety in our collection. It has been a vigorous grower and precocious with two fruits picked in 2015, the same year we rooted our tree. Medium-sized fig which, when fully ripe, is very sweet with an intense berry flavor, moderate seed crunch, jammy texture, and chewy skin. Excellent fig. | |
Violet Patlican | Video | Obtained from Encanto Farms, this is supposedly the Patlican variety from Turkey. Our tree has fruited but we have neglected to take photos. | |
Violeta |
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Violeta is a formal variety name and is believed to be the varieties known as Black Madeira and Figo Preto. We grafted Violeta onto two wild seedling trees on March 1, 2017, with the most vigorous of the two being approximately 6' by the end of the first year. When the fruit in the photo was taken our trees were still growing in 5 gallon pots and under a shade cloth structure. Flavor was still very good with rich berry flavor and nice sweetness and jammy texture and, just as expected, comparable to Black Madeira and Figo Preto. Subsequent fruits such as those shown in our videos seem the same as Black Madeira and Figo Preto. Some believe this strain may be more vigorous than Black Madeira and Figo Preto but it's hard for us to judge on that since our mother trees are grafted. | |
Violette (Violet) Sepor |
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First fruits from our tree started a few years ago. Birds kept attacking fruits before they were ripe but we got a decent sample finally, though they were a bit early. Fruits were moderately sweet and rich in flavor. | |
Violette de Solliès |
Facebook Photo Video |
Black fruit with dark red pulp. Fruit size is large with moderate sweetness, excellent berry flavor, and moderate acidity. This was a very productive variety in 2017. This was one of our favorite figs in 2017 and we will be planting more. I originally obtained this fig with an incorrect spelling of the name so some of my photos have the wrong name on them. | |
Vista (aka Vista Mission) |
Facebook Photo Video Breba Video |
Productive and rich-tasting variety. Similar or maybe the same as Violette de Bordeaux, though some believe it is slightly different and better. | |
White & White Madeira |
Facebook Photo Video |
This variety was introduced by an older immigrant from Madeira and should not be confused with White Madeira #1. This variety produces fruits medium in size and very sweet, a honey type fig. | |
White Adriatic |
Facebook Photo Video |
White Adriatic is a vigorous tree for us and is a productive large fig that's sweet with moderately rich berry flavor. | |
White Madeira #1 |
Facebook Photo Video 1 Video 2 |
A white (green) fig with dark red pulp. This fig was made known to the fig collection community by a collector (Tam) in Maryland who discovered some very old trees being grown by a Greek man who said that these figs were given to him by a friend from Madeira Portugal many years ago. Tam later shared it with our friend Steve and we bought the first cuttings he offered on eBay at a high price because we were desperate to add this to our collection! Our trees ripened a lot of small to medium sized fruit that had a moderate rich berry flavor, moderately sweet, and jammy texture and mild to moderate seed crunch. Our trees produced ripe fruit late into the year with some nice fruits even picked in December. Some growers have reported that this variety has resisted splitting due to rain very well. Our trees have been pruned heavily for cuttings and will likely produce larger and even better fruit in the years ahead. We have several productive trees of this great variety and have a very good supply so we are offering this at what we consider to be a very reasonable price. We are offering cuttings in two sizes, both of good quality, please select size depending on your desired use See below. | |
Wilson's Coyote Rainbow (New) |
Facebook Reel | Wilson's Coyote Rainbow is a fig discovered by our friend Ryan Wilson north of San Francisco in a cool coastal climate. Our tree is productive and fruits have a nice chewy texture with the pulp being very sweet with a moderate berry flavor. Some acidity from skin noted. The fruit do have a larger eye but that has not been a problem in our climate. This fig may be a good candidate for those living in a cool climate where other figs do not have enough time to ripen fruit. | |
Wuhan |
Facebook Photo Video |
Medium sized fig originating in China but grown by some growers throughout the U.S. This fig supposedly is grown around the city of Wuhan, China which has become widely known due to the pandemic, but don't hold that against this fig! The fig has a dark skin and amber pulp, though most dark figs have red pulps. Fruit is sweet with a nice flavor. Our tree has been very productive since 2016. | |
Yellow Long Neck |
Facebook Photo Video 1 Video 2 |
This fig was developed as part of the UC Riverside fig breeding program. This fig was acquired from a friend who said the late George Emerich collected this from UCR just prior to the collection being removed. These figs are consistently among our largest. Flavor is sweet and mild. The tree is a vigorous grower and productive. | |
Young (Mike's) |
Facebook Photos Video |
Unknown variety originally from Italy, small to medium in size, mild berry flavor, sweet, smooth texture. Breba crop appeared similar and had impressive taste. | |
Zidi |
Facebook Photo Video |
Smyrna type from Tunisia. Very productive tree with fruits of very high quality. I once sampled fruit from a tree at the USDA repository near Davis, CA where I could have easily picked 100 ripe figs on that particular August day. Our tree is also fairly productive but is not as large since we prune it annually for cuttings. Although this is well known to be a Smyrna type, a customer of ours in Taiwan accidentally purchased it from us and later planned to graft it but was pleasantly surprised with a very nice ripe fruit. A geneticist at USDA told me several years ago that genes can respond differently in different environmental conditions and this might be the reason why it fruited in Taiwan. This is an interesting mystery. | |
Zio Otavio Bianco | Video | Zio Otavio Bianco is an unknown Italian variety shared with us by our friend Mike who named it after his uncle. The fruits are medium to large in size and are very sweet and mild honey flavor. | |
Zrequa | Video | Zrequa was obtained from our friend Byron and the former East Coast Figs web site listed this as originally coming from Morocco and to be a unifera type. The fruit shown in the video was our first fruit from this tree and it was large in size and very sweet and maybe a blend of berry, melon, and honey flavors and being very juicy yet chewy. | |
Aaron's Church Black (new) |
Video | Caprifig discovered growing wild by a southern California collector. | |
Algarve Unknown (Francisco Unknown) |
Video | Unknown caprifig originated from Algarve, Portugal and shared by a grower in southern California | |
Breva de Galicia (Previously listed as a regular fig) |
Facebook Photo Video |
This fig reportedly originated in the Galicia (northwest) region of Spain and was acquired from Bass at Trees of Joy. This has been an unusual fig for us and seems to be some sort of odd San Pedro type fig with the breva (breba) appearing to be edible caprifigs that were juicy, sweet, and a slightly nutty flavor. We did not get many main crop fruits and don't know if this is because of ineffective pollination or some other cause. Upon review of my notes, the comments I made in the video at about the 1:00 mark of this video are incorrect, the heavy crop in the past has always been the breba crop. The main crop fruits were small and had a sweet flavor. | |
Capri Q - DFIC 126 | Video | An edible and persistent caprifig collected by Todd Kennedy from Bill Butler's farm in Orosi, California. | |
Durham Road Black | Video | Shared with us by JR, a hobbyist grower in Northern California. Fruit are black. | |
Francisco Capri 1 (new) |
Video | Caprifig which originated from Algarve, Portugal and shared with us by another grower. | |
Gillette (new) |
Video 1 Video 2 |
Edible caprifig | |
Maslin Edible Variant - DFIC 131 |
Video | Collected by Todd Kennedy from Bill Butler's farm in Orosi, California and donated to NCGR-Davis. The mature fruits are pallatable. | |
Oakleigh (new) | Video | This caprifig was collected from a neighbor's property where it was growing wild and which has since been removed. | |
Roeding 4 - DFIC 132 | Video | Originated from Bill Butler's farm in Orosi, California and collected by Todd Kennedy | |
OTHER ITEMS | Please do not email us questions regarding these. Some customers have requested these items in the past and we added them to our annual sale in 2023 and found it to be an easier way to handle the sale of these. | ||
Linda Pomegranate | See description by our friend Marta on her blog | ||
Mulberries | Please research on Marta's blog and other sites. | ||
Black Prince Mulberry | |||
Buluklu Mulberry | |||
DMOR 9 Mulberry | |||
Kaester Mulberry (M. nigra) | |||
Pakistan Mulberry | |||
Persimmons | Persimmons are for grafting only. Scions are relatively small but sufficient for 1 or 2 grafts. | ||
Bright Fire Persimmon (new) |
Video | This was acquired from a freind and it supposedly
produced black fruit but my fruits have not been black but perhaps it is
because of climate differences? Asringent polination variant. Note: I mistakenly listed this originally as "Black Fire" as I was thinking about the original source saying the fruit should be black. |
Crystal Fire Persimmon (Lintong Huo Jing) (new) |
Photo | Was extremely productive in 2023. Astringent. We sold fruits in 2023 and they were very popular. |
We've received numerous questions regarding how to root fig cuttings so we prepared this video to help share our preferred method (see below). Also, please check other videos in our Fig Propagation Videos playlist on YouTube where we also cover grafting of figs.